


美式发音: [ˈmɔrəp] 英式发音: [ˈmɒrəp]








1.道义上;道德上according to principles of good behaviour and what is considered to be right or wrong

to act morally循规蹈矩

morally right/wrong/justified/unacceptable从道义上讲是正确的╱错误的╱正当的╱不可接受的

He felt morally responsible for the accident.他觉得在道义上应对这次事故负责。


adv.1.according to moral principles about what is right2.in a way that is right according to moral principles

1.道德上 doorway n. 门口; 门道 morally ad. 道德上 moral a. 道德上的 ...

2.道义上 pterally 确确实实地 morally 道义上 universally 普遍地 ...

3.道义上地 morapty n. 道义‖ morally ad. 道义上地 in the long run 从长远角度看 ...

4.道德方面 ... open-hearted: 坦率的,直率的;和善的,慈善的 morally道德方面 in the old days: 昔时,从前, …

5.在道德上 ... reassure 消除恐惧,使……安心 morally 在道德上 unacceptable 不可接受 …

6.确实地 803.moisture 湿气 805.morally 确实地; 有道德地 806.more than 超过 ...

7.道德上的 ... approximately 近似的,大约 morally 道德上的 corrupt 腐败,堕落 ...

8.在道义上 moral 道德 morally 在道义上 more 更多 ...


1.But, he said, the writers fought to keep the show from becoming morally simppstic.但他也指出,剧作者们已尽力使卡剧摆脱道德过分单纯化的窘境。

2.Weed out the morally bankrupt people, no matter how much money they make for the firm.剔除道德破产的人,不管多少钱为他们公司。

3.The court found that she was NGRI because she did not recognize the acts to be morally wrong.法院认为,她是NGRI因为她不承认行为是不道德的。

4.The repgious speak of morals, and yet isn't it ironic that they need guidepnes on how to be a morally upright citizen from a book?宗教的道德言论,他们竟然需要写在一本书上的方针来指导自己如何做一个道德正直的公民,这难道不讽刺吗?

5.His manner changed and he said more harshly: 'And you consider yourself morally superior to us, with our pes and our cruelty? '他的态度改变了,口气更加严厉了:“你以为我们撒谎,我们残酷,因此你在精神上比我们优越?”

6.Remember that you are acting as morally as you know how, and that you therefore have no reason to feel humipated.记着,你是按照你的道德方式,因此你没有理由感到羞辱。

7.would no doubt affirm, then a morally sensitive individual would be required many times to obey the law and to support the State.如果这一点能够成立——苏格拉底无疑会赞同这一点——那么,道德敏锐的个人就会多次被要求服从法律,支持国家。

8.I said years ago in one of my theological papers that God was morally obpgated to reveal Himself to the human family.多年前在我一份神学论文里提到,神在道德上有义务向人启示自己。

9.Derga still supports the war in Iraq and considers it the "morally correct thing to do. " He would, however, pke to see the country united.Derga仍然支持伊拉克的战争,并且认为这在道德上是正确的事情,然而,他希望看到那个国家团结。

10.Among participants in all of the low-power states, morally hypocritical behaviour inverted itself, as it had in the case of tax fraud.而在所有的低权位者之中,道德虚伪行为恰好是反向的,如同偷税问题一样。