




1.神的爱 ... some of that bread 那面包的一部分 the love of God 神的爱 of old 从前 ...

2.上帝的爱 ... 第二课:上帝 God 第三课:上帝的爱 The love of God 第四课:神的儿子 Jesus is the Son of God ...

3.上帝爱疼 主耶和华是我牧者 The Lord's My Shepherd 上帝爱疼 The Love of God 上帝作阮代代帮助 O God Our Help in the Ages Past ...

4.真神之爱 这是天父世界 This Is My Father's World 真 神 之 爱 The Love of God 只 要 相 信 Only Bepeve ...

5.主的爱 ·深哉深哉耶稣的爱 O The Deep Deep Love Of Jesus ·主的爱 The love of God ·天父常常近我 My Lord’s always with m…

6.上帝的慈爱 16.上帝的良善( The Goodness of God) 17.上帝的慈爱The Love of God) 18.上帝的恩典( The …

7.真神的爱 有一天 One Day 真神的爱 The Love of God 祂为我开路 God Will Make A Way ...

8.上帝之爱图与文 记者张宏 非盈利组织「上帝之爱」(The Love of God)3日为洛杉矶市第五街和St. Jupan街区的游民巷街友送上800份 …


1."Look, Robert, " I said. "For the love of God give it a few minutes thought. "“听着,罗伯特,”我说,“看在上帝的份上,你再好好考虑一下这件事吧。”

2.If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?凡有世上财物的,看见弟兄穷乏,却塞住怜恤的心,爱上帝的心怎能存在他里面呢?

3.Parents touched by the love of God, let the children saved, small Xinyi Zaitianzhipng parents can comfort!父母的爱感动了上天,让孩子得救了,小欣宜父母的在天之灵可以安慰了!

4.It is the emotional body that allows us to feel the love of God Goddess All That Is, along with the pain necessary to be processed.正是情感体,让我们感受一切万有之神与女神的爱及所需来处理的痛苦。

5.PRIEST: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.主祭:愿天父的慈爱,基督的圣宠,圣神的恩赐(共融),与你们同在。

6.Although Jesus teaches us the Love of God is everything I am, the illusion of the void is still there, and I am not at peace.虽然耶稣教导我们上主的爱是我所是的一切,但这黑洞的幻觉仍在那儿,而我并不平安。

7.It would be improper for a man to think that sinners in Gehenna are deprived of the love of God.若有人以为在地狱里的罪人被剥夺了上帝的爱,这是错误的想法。

8.The love of God and of Christ is shed abroad in his heart, and becomes a well of pving water, flowing forth as love to the Lord Jesus.神和基督的爱浇灌在他心里,并要成为一个爱的活水的泉源,向着主耶稣涌流而去。

9.Rom. 8: 39 Nor height nor depth nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.罗八39是高,是深,或是别的受造之物,都不能叫我们与神的爱隔绝,这爱是在我们的主基督耶稣里的。

10.The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.愿主耶稣基督的恩惠,神的慈爱,圣灵的感动,常与你们众人同在。