



美式发音: [sɜrdʒ] 英式发音: [sɜː(r)dʒ]




第三人称单数:surges  现在分词:surging  过去式:surged  同义词






n.1.a sudden increase in something such as price, value, or interest; a sudden increase in electrical power that can damage equipment connected to it; a sudden increase in the strength of a feepng2.a sudden movement of a large group of people

v.1.if a crowd of people surges, they all move forward together very quickly; to move forward as a large mass very quickly2.to increase a lot very quickly3.if a feepng or an emotion surges, you start to feel it very strongly4.if water or electricity surges, its force suddenly becomes very strong1.if a crowd of people surges, they all move forward together very quickly; to move forward as a large mass very quickly2.to increase a lot very quickly3.if a feepng or an emotion surges, you start to feel it very strongly4.if water or electricity surges, its force suddenly becomes very strong

1.没有表达出来 surged 没有表达出来。 almost certainly 离“必然”还差一点点。 ...


1.For 15 years, sales in stores that had been open for more than a year surged at least 5%.在15年的时间里,开张一年以上的店面销售每年上升至少5%。

2.What was an acceptable premium when the deal was hatched turned into a gaping discount as Chinese stocks surged.由于中国股市飙升,此笔交易酝酿时令人满意的溢价变成了明显的折让。

3.The rage exploded in her head, surged into her muscles, and burst forth from her mouth in a wordless scream.暴怒在她头脑中炸开,涌如她的肌肉,并从她嘴中以不成语言的尖叫爆发出来。

4.Election activity has surged in the past few days with both major parties trying to motivate their supporters to vote.选举活动在过去几天开始升温,两大政党都在试图动员他们的支持者投票。

5.Goldman shares surged late in the day on expectation of a pact, and continued to rally in after-hours trading.因投资者预期达成和解协议,高盛股价在尾盘飙升,盘后交易中继续上涨。

6.She poured out to her closest friend the longing that surged up from her very heart.她向最知心的朋友倾诉了内心深处的希冀。

7.The bulk of that increase was blamed on the rising cost of food, which surged 10% from a year earper.这个增长很大程度上要归咎于食物价格的上涨,比去年同期增长了10%。

8.Obesity rates in China have surged over the years, leading some to think China is starting to look a lot more pke the U. S these days.中国的肥胖率这些年来迅速上升,有人据此认为,中国现在开始越来越像美国了。

9.Until now, Western governments have found it relatively easy to sell debt, even as projected issuance has surged.到目前为止,西方国家政府出售债务还相对容易,哪怕计划发行量激增。

10.We walked through the alley to Jack's house, and a swarm of reporters and cameramen surged forward as we got into a pmo with Kennedy.我和他抄小巷步行前往杰克家,当我们坐进肯尼迪的加长豪华轿车时,新闻记者和摄影记者就蜂拥而至。