




1.自然之声 ... THE SOUND OF NATURE 自然之声 (二) ...

2.知音天籁 ... 02. 幽玄 Subtlety 03. 知音天籁 The sound of nature 04. 月下流泉 spring flow under the moon ...

3.天音 仙境寻幽 Visiting Fairyland 2004 天音 The Sound of Nature 2004 清风云露 Soothing Breezes Floating Clouds 2005 ...


1.It features the sound of nature, the form of flexible use of real voice in the sound area, district general use of loud falsetto.其特点是声音自然,形式灵活,中声区使用真声,高声区一般使用假声。

2.Grief curl of the Sound Of Nature, euphemism Qi Chu, Jin Guo night with the stars, flashing with blurred eyes.卿卿袅袅的天籁之音,委婉凄楚,夜幕紧裹着的星辰,闪动着迷离的双眼。

3.The more the autumn brings to our human beings is the visual impact, an unexpected shock, an illusion or even the sound of nature.秋天带给我们人类的,更多的是视觉的冲击--一种不可预料的震撼,是幻境,更是天籁。

4.The end of 2003, Han released third album, so that red fans once again indulge in from the snow of the Sound Of Nature!2003年底,韩红推出第三张个人专辑,使红迷们再一次沉醉于来自雪域的天籁之音!

5.But sometimes we forget to psten to the true sound of our hearts when we are pstening to the sound of Nature.但是在倾听大自然声音的时候我们往往忘记倾听自己的心声。

6.Listen respectfully to the sound of nature, That is the summons of Angus.聆听来自天籁的声音,那是爱神的召唤。

7.On the "Sound of Nature" --Aesthetic notes about Chinese ancient music and poems说“天籁”--中国音乐与诗歌美学笔记