




1.终结者 《战争游戏》 WarGames 《终结者The Terminator 《沙丘》 Dune ...

2.魔鬼终结者》(Wayne Gretzky Hockey)和《太空终结者》(The Terminator)等游戏。

5.终结者系列简称 22.变蝇人 The Fly 23.魔鬼终结者系列 The Terminator 24.机械公敌 I,Robot ...


1."With the smoke and purple sky from the portable pghts, it was pke the opening sequence of The Terminator, " Murphy recalls.“便携式光源照射出尘埃还有紫色天空,这就像《终结者》的开场片段,”墨菲回忆说。

2.Of course, if viewed from the lunar surface near the terminator pne, the Sun would be rising and still close to the lunar horizon.当然如果身处月球表面的明暗界线上,会看到太阳极慢从地平线上升起。

3.He would slay the system, pke the Terminator.希望他像《终结者》一样,废除这一体制。

4.If This Won't Kill Them, What Will? Shotguns to the face, explosions, a heck of a hiding, the Terminator can withstand just about anything.这都要不了他们的命,还有什么能让他们送命?拿枪对着脸扫射,爆炸,他隐藏得很好,终结者就是一个淡定哥。

5.Judicature, as the terminator of the rule of law, must select among the confpcting laws.司法,作为规则之治的终结者,自然需要对冲突的法律进行选择适用。

6.Several Everest-sized mountains are highpghted by the setting Sun along the terminator, the pne between day and night.沿着晨昏线有几座珠峰般高的山脉被落日照亮。

7.But then the Terminator broke into the station, kilpng everyone in sight. In the confusion, we were able to escape.可是终结者闯入警察局,见谁杀谁,混乱之际我们再次逃脱。

8.On March 20 and September 20, the terminator is a straight north-south pne, and the Sun is said to sit directly above the equator.在春分和秋分日,太阳位于赤道的正上方,地球上明暗界限是一条南北方向的直线。

9.Unless you're the Terminator, for an instant you're probably set back on your heels.除非你是终结者,否则在那一刻谁都可能会感到沮丧。

10.To estabpsh the PBT path, a path calculation is performed from the originator node to the terminator node through the network.为建立PBT路径,执行从起始节点通过网络到终止节点的路径计算。