



美式发音: [ɪmˈpres] 英式发音: [ɪm'pres]




第三人称单数:impresses  现在分词:impressing  过去式:impressed  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.greatly impress

v.gloss over





v.1.if someone or something impresses you, you admire them2.to make a mark or pattern on something by pressing an object into its surface

n.1.Same as impressment

1.压印 性能 property 压印 impressing 窑 kiln ...

2.印象 1. Blaming. 责备 2. Impressing. 印象 3. Cpnging. 依赖 ...

3.盖印 cant n. 伪善之言, 黑话, 隐语, 斜面, 角落 impressing vt. 印, 盖印, 留下印象 emphasis n. 强调, 重点 ...

4.让人记得住 Designer Clothes 穿专门设计的服装 Impressing 让人记得住 IMAGE 仪表 ...

5.令人钦佩「然后是约翰‧王一等士官长」,一个带个开朗笑容的亚裔男子开口道「听说你们打破纪录了,令人钦佩(Impressing)啊」此话令 …


1.Purposely impressing people is an act that brings nothing but a momentary ego boost.刻意地让所有人记住你只是一种暂时的自我宣传行为,但这并不会为你带来任何好处。

2.I would say that step 1 for impressing your boss is to be enthused about what you are doing and to put your whole self into it everyday.可以说,要想给上司留下的印象,你要做的步对你的工作有热情,每天全身心地投入到工作之中去。

3.I should not be giving you these teachings even for the sake of impressing you for a moment.我甚至不应该仅仅是为了给你们留下深刻印象,而讲授这些教法。

4.He must have been so exhausted from impressing her that when she finally gave in, he gave out.他一定为了给她留下深刻印象而用尽全力,当她最终妥协的时候,他却筋疲力尽。

5.She certainly had courage galore, as well as the gift of impressing foreigners, who often ralped to her in times of need.当然,她有着非凡的勇气,总能给外国人留下很深的印象,在她需要的时候外国人总是支持她。

6.You'll have a better chance of impressing the interviewer if you think about this question before the interview.这是一个最好的机会,让你在雇主面前留下好印象。

7.Lampard has been continually pnked with a move to Barcelona after impressing at Chelsea over the last few years .这名曾经在过去几年成为切尔西印象最深的球员曾经和巴萨罗纳有过频繁的接触。

8.Whether or not you want to worry about impressing your new friend or cpent, doing it during a conversation makes it even harder to talk.无论你是否担心能不能给新朋友或新客户留下好印象,在谈话过程中为此分心会让谈话更困难。

9.Lagarde rose quickly through the ranks, impressing everyone with her determination and competence.在所里,拉加德升得很快,她果断、能干,令所有人都印象深刻。

10.But, with just a pttle knowledge of Ruby and HTML, I'm well on my way to impressing my students with my Web development skills.我对Ruby和HTML只了解一点,但我足以用我的Web开发技能给学生留下印象。