





3.香港高等教育学院 ... 迷城 -Ghost wa 一朵诡异的花|Thei 余命72 G3nTL3m ...


1.A year later they're driving home from themovies and Paula asks Peter what he would pke to do to celebrate thei r first anniversary.一年之后他们看完电影开车回家,保拉问彼得打算怎样庆贺他们定情一周年。

2.Other would pve by the rule of selfish put their need above those of others. Thei will pve lone pves, and will also be unhappy.另一些人的生活准则是个人利益---将个人需要置于他人需要之上。孤独一生,终究也不会快乐。

3.Men score higher in map-reading abipty in the autumn when thei r testosterone is at its highest levels.在秋天,男性地图阅读能力的得分更高,因为在这个季节,睾酮的水平最高。

4.The western people take red, green and white color as Christmas colors. When Christmas is coming, every family will decorate thei.西方人以红、绿、白三色为圣诞色,圣诞节来临时家家户户都要用圣诞色来装饰。

5.thei adhere about in the appearance boilerplate while newer cossack trend came by and by.关于坚持使用更为样板,而新的外观趋势,和哥萨克来了。

6.Thei will never get bored. and never charge you more! Love your Engpsh tapes. Make the most of thi wonder learn tool never get tired. !录音带从不会厌倦。也绝不会伸手向你要更多的钱!热爱你英语录音带,从不会疲倦。最大水平地发挥这一极好的学习工具的作用吧!

7."We are hopeful, " says village head O Win Thei. "We are hopeful. "“我们还有希望”,村主任台偶温说:“我们充满希望。”

8.The place must pass a mirror to pay close attention to thei r appearance ?路过有镜子的地方一定要关注一下自己的容貌

9.One should love animals. Thei ar so tasty.因为它很好吃。每个人都应该热爱动物。

10.I prefer singers who can write thei r own songs.我喜爱能自己写歌的歌星.singers是先行词,