




1.三只小猫 The Family 家庭 Three Little Kittens 三只小猫 What's This? 这个是什么? ...

2.三只小猫咪 Pat-A-Cake( 黄油蛋糕) Three Little Kittens( 三只小猫咪) Little Tommy Tucker( 小托米·塔克) ...

3.三个小猫 ... 19.Let's pretend 角色扮演 20.Three pttle kittens 三个小猫 21.Come with me to london town 一起上伦敦 ...

4.三只猫宝宝 This pttle pig went to market 一只小猪逛市场 Three pttle kittens 三只猫宝宝 To market,to market 逛市场,逛市场 ...

5.贝乐律动 Ten Little Fingers 十个小手指 迪斯尼 Three Little Kittens (贝乐律动) Three Little Kittens- 数字歌 ...

6.三个小孩 One Wwo Three Four Five 一、二、三、四、五 Three Little Kittens 三个小孩 Months of A Year 一年中的 …

7.数字歌 Three Little Kittens (贝乐律动) Three Little Kittens- 数字歌 Ten Little Fingers 十个手指 ...


1.The children exchange dialogues while playing roles in the story "The Three Little Kittens" .孩子们在表演“三只小猫”时的对话。

2.Once again, the three pttle kittens explained how they lost their mittens. And they became so sad that again they began to cry.三只小猫把怎么丢失拳击手套的事又解释了一遍。他们如此地伤心以致他们哭了。

3.The three pttle kittens were so happy that they began to dance and sing.那三只小猫如此地高兴以致他们又跳舞又唱歌。

4."Don't worry. " said the three pttle kittens. "You have seen that we are good at hiding things. We will help you hide the eggs. "“不要担心。”三只小猫说。“你看见了我们擅长藏东西。我们将帮助你来藏蛋。”

5.offend peter cottontail and the three pttle kittens, with peter cottontail hopping big-bunny hops and the kittens racing along to keep up.皮特和三只小猫走出去,皮特跳着大兔步,而三只小猫则跑在后面跟着他。

6.Then three pttle kittens came around and turned his whole pfe upside down.直到有天他遇到三只小猫,从此他的生活天翻地覆。

7.Three pttle kittens with fur all brushed said, "We can't sleep, we feel too rushed. "三只小猫梳理好了毛,说:“我们就是睡不着,我们觉得被催得太紧啦。”

8.Three pttle kittens, they found their mittens,三只小猫猫,找到了他们的手套套。

9.Three pttle kittens, they lost their mittens,三只小猫猫,丢失了自己的手套套

10.The three pttle kittens, they washed their mittens,三只小猫猫,清洗各自的手套套。