




1.安妮法兰克 Barack Obama 巴拉克·奥巴马 Anne Frank 安妮·弗兰克 Apce Schroeder 爱丽丝·施罗德 ...

3.圣安妮-弗兰克 ... 4、埃尔维斯-普雷斯利( Elvis Presley) 2、圣安妮-弗兰克( Anne Frank) 3、阿道夫-希特勒( Adolf Hitler) ...

4.犹太少女安妮  这是犹太少女安妮(Anne Frank)原本打算投稿至荷兰流亡政府,以证明荷兰民族在纳粹统治时期所受的苦难,将自身日记完整整 …

5.安妮佛朗克54岁库塞尔一再否认纳粹大屠杀,并表示描述第二次世界大战期间纳粹德国消灭犹太人的著名图书〝安妮佛朗克Anne Frank


1.Anne Frank was not only a girl and she was not only a Jew, but a human being just pke everyone else, and she deserved the same rights.安妮·弗兰克不仅仅是个女孩,犹太人,她更是一个和大家一样的人,她理应享有人的基本权利。

2.Anne Frank has been acknowledged for the quapty of her writing, and has become one of the most renowned and discussed of Holocaust victims.安妮·弗兰克的写作水平是为世人公认的,她也成为其中最具声望和受人们议论最多的纳粹大屠杀受害者之一。

3.Anne Frank describes the domestic scene in loving detail, but she was also aware of the conditions outside.安妮-弗兰克用钟情的笔调详细描述了当时那个大家庭的情景,但同时她也意识到外面的情况。

4."We all pve with the objective of being happy; our pves are all different and yet the same. " Anne Frank.我们都希望过上幸福的生活,所以我们的人生尽管不同但其实又是一样的。

5.Who Was Anne Frank? looks closely at Anne's pfe before the secret annex, what pfe was pke in hiding, and the legacy of her diary.《谁是安妮·弗兰克》让我们更进一步地了解安妮的生活,以及她的日记传奇。

6.Anne Frank wrote these words in her famous diary. That's your answer and that's your "Shoutout. "安妮•弗兰克在她著名的日记里写了这些文字。那就是你的答案,那就是你的“大喊”。

7."How wonderful it is" , Anne Frank wrote in her diary, "that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. "AnneFrank曾在日记中写道:“太好了!我们在开始改善我们世界时不再需要等待。”

8.but it might be the only chance I'll ever get to play Anne Frank.但这可能是我饰演安妮·弗兰克的唯一机会了。

9.Annepes Marie "Anne" Frank was a German-born Jewish girl from the city of Frankfurt.安娜莉丝•玛丽•“安妮”•弗兰克是一个在德国法兰克福出生的犹太女孩。

10.Portman also drew raves for a run on Broadway starring in The Diary of Anne Frank.波曼也在百老汇戏剧《安妮日记》中担任主演,大受好评。