




1.四甲基联苯胺近来也有采用四甲基联苯胺(TMB)为底物替代传统的二氨基联苯胺(DAB)来示踪豚鼠的面神经[3]的报道。TMB与DAB相比有不致 …

2.底物加进底物 A、B,底物TMB)在辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)催化下转化为蓝色产物,在酸的作用下变成黄色,颜色的深浅与样品 …

3.三甲基苯(Trimethylbenzene)ZhIbenk 等 [12] 提出在合成SBA15 分子筛过程中加入三甲基苯TMB)可以得 到孔经大于30nm 的大孔SBA15 介孔分子筛 …


5.底物四甲基联苯胺最后加入底物四甲基联苯胺( TMB) 显色10 分钟,加终止液终止反应,测定波长为450 nm 及参考波长为690 nm的吸光值(A) 。端粒 …

6.四甲基联苯胺二盐酸3,3,5,5-四甲基联苯胺二盐酸 (TMB) - 3,3,5,5-tetramethyl benzidine dihydrochlorideamresco 0759 3,3,5,5-四甲基联苯胺二盐酸 (…

7.偏三甲苯前言:以偏三甲苯(TMB)为原料,复合铁卤化络合物为催化体系,过氧化氢为氧化剂,石油醚为有机溶剂,直接氧化合成2,3,5-三甲基 …


1.If such a solution is not reached, the matter may be referred by any Member involved to the TMB for recommendations.如未能达成解决办法,则所涉及的任何成员可将此事项提交TMB,请其提出建议。

2.The TMB shall promptly conduct an examination of the matter, and make appropriate recommendations to the Members concerned within 30 days.TMB应迅速对此事项进行审查,并在30天内向有关成员提出适当建议。

3.It may also rely on notifications to and reports from other WTO bodies and from such other sources as it may deem appropriate.该机构还可依靠提交WTO其他机构的通知及这些机构和TMB认为适当的其他来源所提供的报告。

4.Following thorough consideration of the reasons given, the TMB shall issue any further recommendations it considers appropriate forthwith.在对提供的理由进行全面审议后,TMB应立刻提出其认为适当的进一步建议。

5.The Thai Miptary Bank has been renamed TMB Bank, and is now a civipan institution.泰国军事银行已更名为泰国军人银行,现在是一个民间机构。

6.Job Description: Responsible for TMB steel structure and machining parts purchasing.负责盾构机的钢结构及机加工件的采购;

7.The TMB shall circulate the notifications made pursuant to this Article to all Members FOR their inFORmation.TMB应将根据本条作出的通知散发所有成员供其参考。

8.If necessary, attend relevant training organized by TMB, and undertake relevant jobs of company.如果必要,参加公司组织的相关培训,并因此从事一些公司安排的与培训内容相关的活动。

9.The TMB shall circulate these notifications to the other Members for information and review them as provided in paragraph 21.TMB应将这些通知散发其他成员供参考,并按第21款的规定对其进行审议。

10.The TMB shall develop its own working procedures.TMB应制定自己的工作程序。