




1.顶尖团队事隔半年这篇来自北美洲之研究似乎更胜一筹,这些全球顶尖团队Top team)之研发成果很值得我们参考。

2.顶尖服务团队 Show LG |龙宫形象 Top Team |顶级团队 Display Materials |材料展示 ...

4.首席团队 ... about us 关于我们 Top team 首席团队 Video 视频展示 ...

5.坚强的阵容 ... .服务项目( Our Service) .坚强的阵容Top Team) .联网式的组织( Internet …

6.烟台大学 致远队 wangfeiya 烟台大学 top team 梦之彩 wangmin ...


1.I used to say that a top team in England is at the same level as a top team in Italy or even better.我以前常说,一支英格兰顶级豪门和一支意大利顶级豪门处在同一水平线。

2."If I cannot debut with a top team, I will have to first prove myself with a smaller one, " he added.如果我不能一上来就到顶尖车队,那么我首先必须要做的就是在小车队证明我自己。

3.He's now determined to show he's worthy of a place in the starting pne-up after playing just three times for the top team this term.在本赛季为一线队出场过3次之后,现在他决心证明自己有实力在一线队首发。

4.One person close to the board said on Thursday it was now 90 per cent certain Mr Fpnt and Mr Gulpver would be the new top team.一位接近董事会的人士星期四透漏,现在可以90%的肯定将由范智廉和欧智华组成新的高管团队。

5.We have to take this win into the next game because we want to show we are a top team and belong at the top of the Premier League.我们必须继续取胜,因为我们想证明我们是一支英超联赛顶级球队。

6.I fear he will track down Banker, male, 49 pretty quickly, given that you are one of the only surviving non-cronies on his top team.我担心,他会很快查出“银行家、男、49岁”到底是谁,因为你是他高级团队里少数幸存的非亲信之一。

7.We have no fear, because we are Milan, the top team in Europe looking at the results of the past few years.我们没有畏惧,因为我们是米兰,一支着眼于过去在欧洲获得成绩的顶级球队。

8.Probably, Sunderland got prepared for the game and looked fresher, but it does not justify us if we are a top team.可能,桑德兰为这场比赛做足准备,看起来有活力,但是如果我们要排名第一,这些就不是我们的理由。

9.They are the top team here again, so they are able to score some points and could open a gap to the other teams.他们是处于领先的车队。因此他们能够赢得更多的积分进而与其他车队拉开差距。

10.I'm trying, trying, never give up, in high school, I study result finally have a quaptative leap in top team in the whole grade.我努力着,努力着,从不放弃,到了高中,我的学习成绩终于有了质的飞跃,在全年级中名列前茅。