

tote bag

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n.1.a large open bag with handles

1.手提包-Mail」不愧是YSL品牌2008开年大戏,包括手提包Tote-Bag)、晚宴手拿包 (clutch)及不同尺寸的小型皮件,材质以时 …


1.As she rummaged through her big tote bag for her wallet, Mom felt the office scrutinizing her.她急忙在手提袋中找她的钱包,母亲觉得警官想要检查一下她。

2.After she got off the mattress, she took a large mirror out of her tote bag.她下了床垫,从她的大提包里拿出一面大镜子。

3.Handsome. I imply you can go with with one another a tote bag and hide it within of your vehicle just in case.你可以用我的意思与另外一个人,一个旅行袋携带隐藏它在你的车只是以防万一。

4.Anderson said she knew the case contained a pistol, but had forgotten that it was in her tote bag, according to the sheriff.安德森女士说,她知道那个盒子里放着枪,但忘记了盒子是放在她的皮箱里。由于被捕,她原计划前往巴哈马群岛的旅行被耽搁。

5.With Porter they created a really nice pne of luggage, consisting of a backpack, day pack, tote bag and bookcase.搬运工他们创造了行李一条真正地好的线,包括背包、工作日挑选、大手提袋和书橱。

6.When I got up this morning, I found a tote bag soon.早晨起床后,我立即找出一个手提包,准备装文具用。

7.Sometimes I'll use a normal tote bag, but it has to be the right size, the straps long enough but not too long and so on.有时我会用一个正常的手提袋,但它必须是正确的大小,但不带足够长的时间太长等。

8.We found one tote bag at Target that would've worked but it was $25 and made cheaply in China.我在Target店里找到了一个合适的手提袋,但是要25美金,而且还是中国制造的廉价货。

9.I cut them up, and concocted something that resembles a tote bag.我把帷幔剪裁后,制作出了类似于手提袋的东西。

10.Also get them their own tote bag to carry their pbrary books in.也让他们通过自己的手提包把图书馆的书带回家。