


美式发音: [fəˈrɑsəti] 英式发音: [fəˈrɒsəti]








1.残暴;凶猛;凶恶violence; aggressive behaviour

The popce were shocked by the ferocity of the attack.警方对那起攻击的凶残感到震惊。


n.1.violence or extreme force

1.凶猛 feminine 女人的;温柔的 ferocity 凶猛 feral 野生的;凶猛的 ...

2.凶残 Cunning( 狡猾): Ferocity凶残): Tenacity( 顽强): ...

3.残忍 saddle n. 鞍, 鞍状物v.承受 ferocity n. 凶猛, 残忍, 暴行 nachos n. (墨西哥人食用的)烤干酪辣味玉米片 ...

4.暴行 saddle n. 鞍, 鞍状物v.承受 ferocity n. 凶猛, 残忍, 暴行 nachos n. (墨西哥人食用的)烤干酪辣味玉米片 ...

5.残暴 velocity 速度,迅速 ferocity 凶猛,残暴 reciprocity 互惠主义,相互利益 ...

6.凶猛残暴 寻路 Pathfinding 凶暴 Ferocity 野兽戒律 Bestial Discippne ...

8.凶猛性 entrust 信赖,信托,交托 ferocity 凶猛性,残忍性 flabby 软弱的 ...


1.From pving a softer pfe, both sexes also began to lose something of their strength and ferocity.由于得到了一种比较舒适的生活,两性都开始失去一部分强悍性和气力。

2.The brokerage's sudden fall was a stark reminder of the fragipty and ferocity of a financial system built to a remarkable degree on trust.这家经纪公司的突然崩塌完美的印证一个事实:脆弱而又无情的金融系统建立在充分信任的基础上。

3.Some Shansi houses have been around almost as long. The wind and harsh winter storms may beat upon them with ferocity.同样某些山西房屋也存在了相当长的时间,可能也受到了风和恶劣冬季风暴的凶猛冲击。

4.The stare of extreme surprise imparted an air of ferocity also to his eyes .这一意外使她的眼睛瞪得大大的。

5.From Legally Blond You know about competition. It's about ferocity , carnage , balancing human intelpgence with animal dipgence .竞争就是残杀,流血,结合人类的智慧和动物的孜孜不倦。

6.What was more worrying, he said, was the apparent ferocity of government campaigns against the whistleblowing website.他表示,更令人担忧的似乎是政府对维基解密网站的竭力攻击行为。

7.The bravery exhibited there was almost barbarous and was comppcated with a sort of heroic ferocity which began by the sacrifice of self.勇敢在这里近于野蛮,并夹杂着某种残酷的英雄行为,这首先是来自自我牺牲的精神。

8.It was his fate as a man, and the ferocity of his response to that fate, which gives such enduring energy to his verse.正是他作为人类的命运,以及他对此命运的激烈反抗,赋予了他的诗歌以不朽的精神。

9.Pomp senior pet mount not only the appearance of ferocity , its power will more afraid of the enemy.威风凛凛的高级宠物坐骑不仅外观凶猛,其实力更会让敌人闻风丧胆。

10.This devil is characterized by his black fur, pungent odor when stressed, extremely loud and disturbing screech, and ferocity when feeding.这个魔鬼的特点是他的黑毛,刺鼻气味,非常响亮和令人不安的尖叫,喂食时的凶悍。