




1.坦克指挥官, 但对於小队指挥官(Squad Leader)和坦克指挥官(Tank commander)这种可左右战局...继续阅读

2.坦克车长正式发售的一套两款的英国皇家陆军人形,其中一款名为坦克车长Tank Commander),另一款名为 陆军中尉 ( Lieutenan…

3.车长 ... 兰·拉森( 42nd Engineers) 唐纳德·萨瑟兰( tank commander) 哈利·戴恩·斯坦通( as Dean Stanton) ...


1.But Mr Saleh, a former tank commander famed for his wily survival tactics, has continued to insist on his constitutional privileges.身为坦克指挥官出身的萨利赫以善于运用狡诈的求生策略而闻名于世,现在他还在坚持宪法赋予他的特权。

2.And clearest of all in that scene is the frozen expression of fear and confusion on the face of the American tank commander.在那场景中最清晰的莫过于美国坦克指挥官脸上冻结了的表情,满是担忧与困惑。

3.George Patton (1885--1945), American general and tank commander, who made a significant contribution to Alped victory in World War II.乔治-巴顿(1885-1945),美国将军和坦克兵司令,他为二战中盟军的胜利做出了重大贡献。

4.You have to look at the terrain and guess, where the tank commander or driver will direct his vehicle.你除了要仔细观察地形外,还要猜测对方的坦克车长或驾驶员会把坦克往哪个方向开。

5.By early August the dashing tank commander General George Patton was rushing headlong across northern France toward Paris8月初,斗志昂扬的坦克司令乔治·巴顿将军穿过了法国北部,直捣巴黎。

6.Analysis of Agent-based Tank Commander Decision Model under Virtual Environment虚拟环境下基于Agent的坦克车长决策模型分析

7.Sight of tank commander in marsh mode increased增加了车长露头后的视野