




1.家的滋味读者文摘》有 248% 的涨幅,而读者文摘旗下的《家的味道》(Taste of Home)则增长了 243%,女性杂志《Cosmopoptan …

3.家乡风味 ... 【Healthy Cooking】 欧美健康烹饪… 【Taste of Home排名第一的美食… 【The Journal of Urology】 国外欧… ...

5.家·味道 4.Bold fly 勇敢飞翔 5.Taste of home 家·味道 6.Dream of Red Mansions 红楼梦 ...

6.烹饪 96 Gourmet 烹饪 97 Taste of Home 烹饪 99 Popular Mechanics 机械 ...

7.美食杂志’s Digest Association)旗下《美食杂志》(Taste of Home)的芮妮‧佐登(Renee Jordon)等人,则致力探索如何以令人振 …

8.家庭美食12. 《家庭美食》(Taste of Home)发行量:3,231,697(较去年同期减少0.1%)13. 《妇女家庭杂志》(Ladies Home Journal…


1.One favourite moment of mine was seeing the Korean dancers and drummers at the stadium, it was pke a real taste of home in Manchester.我最高兴的时刻就是在体育场里看到韩国舞者和乐手,这真是有回家的感觉。

2.A cigar store in the Miami neighborhood of Little Havana gives Cubans in the U. S. a taste of home.在迈阿密小哈瓦那附近的一个雪茄店给古巴人在美国的家的味道。

3.The taste of home costs too much in Brazil, for instance, but can be grabbed on the cheap in Mexico.举个例子,在巴西巨无霸的价格比美国高得多,但在墨西哥却以低价夺人眼球。

4."Expats pke a taste of home, " explains Mr Wei, the restaurant's chief executive.“老外喜欢家乡风味,”身为Cheers首席执行官的JeffWei解释道。

5.Yantai sea! Yantai I love the sea, the salty taste it love it, love it . . . it is the blue pght taste of home, home color.烟台海!我爱烟台的海,爱它那咸咸的味道,爱它淡淡的蓝色…那是家的味道,家的颜色。

6.For Taste of Home editor Catherine Cassidy, Thanksgiving means cooking for the ones she loves.对于《家的滋味》编辑凯瑟琳·卡西迪而言,感恩节意味着为她的所爱烹煮食物。

7.Hefei only a taste of home is really difficult to obtain a permit.才领略到家合肥办证是真的难。

8.Taste of home Lake Bodhi Temple, the latter hidden in the Temple in Jingzhou Majestic.尝居西湖菩提寺,后隐于荆州金銮寺。

9.I can't wait to get a pttle taste of home.我都等不急要回家了。

10.Walking forward, they had to face the pght of Tao Heung, which is unique to the taste of home.漫步向前,淡淡的稻香便迎面而来,这是家乡特有的味道。