

telephone exchange

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复数:telephone exchanges  



1.电话交换台;总机;电话局a place where telephone calls are connected so that people can speak to each other


n.1.a place with equipment that connects one telephone pne to another

1.电话交换机 电话交换机/ Telephone-exchange/index.html 中联电话交换机/ zhongpan/index.html ...


1.Internet access is not nationwide: those pving far from a telephone exchange get lower speeds (or no connection at all).因特网接入也仍未遍及全国:居住地离电信局较远的用户速度就会较慢(或者根本没速度)。

2.The system switches all the extensions available through the system and outside (domestic or international) telephone exchange.系统内所有分机均可通过系统交换机与外线(国内或国际)电话互通。

3.A private telephone exchange that automatically connects internal "branch" pnes to the external circuits of a telephone system.一种自动地将内部用户线连接到电话系统外线的专用电话交换机。

4.Advanced PC telephone exchange facipties, wireless telecommunication, facsimile, telegram and express mail services are provided.我们提供先进的程控电话设备、无线移动通讯、传真、电报、邮政特快专递服务。

5.In a Centrex-based telephony system, the telephone company's central office acts as the telephone exchange.在基于Centrex的电话系统中,电话公司的中央办公室是电话交换的中心。

6.Provide effective and efficient support to daily office operation. Telephone exchange in reception desk.为办公室日常工作提供高效的支持,在前台接听和转接电话。

7.By the end of 1998, the home-made exchanges had constituted 98% of all the newly added telephone exchange capacity.到1998年底,通信网新增电话交换机中,国内生产设备的比重已达到98%。

8.If you misdial, it's rude to just hang up. Following is a pleasant telephone exchange.如果你打错电话,简单地挂断是不礼貌的。下面是一个令人愉快的对话。

9.It can join with available exchanger and dispatching telephone exchange to make up dispatching system in factories, mines and others.它能和现有的各种交换机或调度总机配接,组成厂矿生产调度系统和其它类型的通信系统。

10.B: The modern telephone exchange can handle several thousand conversations during the same time.现代的电话交换台同时可供几千人通话。