




1.舍恩验,(斯通普夫(Stumpf)的简单音乐能力测验;斯科恩(Schoen)的音乐能力的补充测验梅因沃里(mainwaring)的音高与节奏的感 …

6.任怡 sarahpng( 凌晓静) schoen( 任怡) sdfhzhangfan( 张帆) ...


1.Now "there's a real push, " he said, because "we've got a lot of bpnd people walking around, and we've got to try to help them. "美国抗盲基金会主管科学与临床前开发的总监TimothyJ.Schoen说,“我们现在面临巨大的压力,因为周围有很多盲人,我们必须试着帮助他们。”

2.Democratic strategist Doug Schoen said Obama's shift in tone reflected a battle that turned out to be tougher than he thought it would be.民主党战略专家道格・绍恩(DougSchoen)表示,奥巴马态度的转变反映了这场争论比他预想的要激烈。

3.Doug Schoen, a pollster for the Democrats, surveyed 200 participants and found most were well to the left of the American mainstream.民主党民意调查员DougSchoen调查了200位参与者后发现其中大部分人就美国主流价值观念而言思想偏左。

4."First, Burson is not working for the Cpnton campaign, only myself and people from Penn, Schoen and Berland, " says Mr Penn.佩恩称:“首先,为希拉里-克林顿竞选工作的不是博雅,而只是我本人和Penn,SchoenandBerland公司的人。”

5.Mr. Schoen discussed his findings in an opinion piece last week in the Journal.他曾在《华尔街日报》上周一篇观点文章里谈到他的调查结果。

6.Asked whether the 2007 dividend was too much for Simmons, Mr. Schoen of THL defended the deal.当问及2007年的股息分红对席梦思公司来说是否太繁重了,THL的Schoen先生极力为这次交易辩护。