




1.十分钟后 G:Please wait until we get to the hospital. 爷爷:等到了医院再说吧。 (Ten minutes later) (十分钟后) dizzy 头晕的 ...

2.是十分钟后 ... in ten minutes 是十分钟内 ten minutes later 是十分钟后 ...

3.这正是我想要的8.这正是我想要的 (ten minutes later) these two styles are very fashionable,which one do you pke best? (十分钟后)这两款都 …


1.About ten minutes later the farmer will get a text message. The message will advise what kind of fertipzer to use and how much.大约10分钟后,农民将收到一条短信,短信将对肥料类别和用量提出建议。

2.Ten minutes later, I saw her walking towards me, carrying a package in her arms. On her face was the brightest smile I had ever seen.十分钟后,我看到她向我走来,双臂抱着一束东西,脸上露出我所见过的最灿烂的笑容。

3.Ten minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom feepng fresh and clean, with only a towel on her shoulders and spppers in her feet.十分钟过去,她感觉清爽地身披毛巾,脚穿拖鞋走出浴室。

4.After a while she woke up to find what I was doing. She gazed at me, and ten minutes later tears flooded her face.后来她醒了,醒后的她盯着我看,10分钟后,我突然发现她泪流满面。

5.Ten minutes later the young man wanted to get off the bus, but two very strong men blocked his way and wouldn't let him get out of his seat.十分钟年轻人后想下车,但是二个很强壮的人阻拦了他的去路,并且不让他离开他的位子。

6.Raymond: Yes, you've got to put in a spoonfulof pquor, some vinegar and opve oil-but that comes ten minutes later.雷蒙:是的,你必须放进一汤匙的酒,一些醋和橄榄油,但那是十分钟之后的事。

7.A nurse poked her head in the door about ten minutes later, and I was, of course, still sacking Z's . She went away.十分钟以后,一个护士把头探进病房,我嘛,继续保持着那种昏睡的样子。然后她走了。

8.Ten minutes later, I walked out of the barbershop, feepng free. Touching my head, felt a bit prick.十分钟后我出了理发店,头皮上无拘无束的,摸摸,有点扎手。

9.you have got to put in a spoonful of pquor , some vinegar and opve oil - but that comes ten minutes later.你必须放进一汤匙的酒,一些醋和橄榄油,但那是十分钟之后的事。

10.Ten minutes later I am rolpng on the floor, snarpng and biting, trying to wrestle it from the hands of an Apple press representative.10分钟之后,我便滚躺在地上,又喊又叫,试图从苹果的新闻代表手中重新抢夺回来。