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n.1.in Greek mythology, the personification of death and the son of Nyx, goddess of the night.2.the universal death instinct theorized by Sigmund Freud

1.塔那托斯 睡神 修普诺斯( Hypnos) 死神 达那都斯( Thanatos) 潘多拉( Pandora) ...

4.死神塔纳托斯开了雅典娜的封印,沉睡了几百年的死神(Death)达拿都斯Thanatos)和睡神(Sleep)休普诺斯(Hypnos)觉醒,预言 …

6.死亡本能 thanatophobia 恐死症 thanatos 死亡本能 thaumaturgic 变幻的 ...

7.死神塔那托斯不过要再分细点就是THANATOS,但是楼主说的是最有名的......一 …


1.Percy, Frank, and Hazel are to free Thanatos, the god of Death according to the prophecy Mars had given them.浅褐色珀西,弗兰克,淡褐色的迷惑,是自由的死神根据火星所赐给他们的预言。

2.It seems erroneous to view humans as having the two drives of eros and thanatos.看来,人类具有爱欲和死欲两种动力的观察看来是错误的。

3.He is the younger brother of Thanatos (Death), and Nyx (Night) is the nurse of both.塔纳托斯(死神)的弟弟,纳克斯(夜神)则是两兄弟的监护人。

4.Spirits in the Gede family, for example, are pke a combination of Eros and Thanatos - embodying sex and death.例如,Gede家族的神灵就像爱神(Eros)和死神(Thanatos)的结合体——象征着性和死亡。

5.Thanatos~if I can't be yours~ (original and 9 Years After mix) Thanatos如果我不能成为你的〜(原件及混合后9年)