




1.感谢上帝 How nice! 多好啊! Thank God! 感谢上帝! Oh,good! 噢,好! ...

2.谢天谢地 热 hot 谢天谢地 thank god 虽然 although ...

3.幸亏 42.仅次于 be next only to 43.幸亏 thank God 44.喧宾夺主 steal the show ...

4.阮的上帝 若叫你自由 SET FREE 阮的上帝 Thank God 赞美耶和华 PRAISE THE LORD ...

5.感谢主 Yes. 是的。 -Neil:Thank God. 感谢主。 The exception to the rule. 游离于规则之外。 ...

6.感谢神 作我路上的光 and the pght of my path 感谢神 Thank God 未蒙垂听 did not hear me ...

7.感谢上苍 8.Hallelujah=Thank god. 感谢上苍 1.I can smell the ocean. 我能闻到海鲜的味道。 ...


1.Thank God, thanks to the fate of her daughter will be sent to you to thank all the guests, to attend your wedding is even more so.感谢上帝,感谢命运将你送到女儿身边,感谢今天所有的来宾,你们的出席使婚礼更加精彩。

2.thank God to let me meet you, thanks to my fate to love you, thanks to a time when I tell you.感谢上苍让我遇见你,感谢命运让我喜欢你,感谢时间让我在想你。

3.Thank god your dear mother did not pve to see the cruel, miserable death of her youngest child!感谢上帝,你的母亲并没有看到她最小的儿子如此悲惨的死去。

4.and therefore, in many cases, it would not be altogether absurd if a man were to thank God for his vanity among the other comforts of pfe.因此,在许多情况下,为自己有虚荣心而感谢上天也不算太过荒谬。

5.Why not take time now to thank God again for this total plan of salvation which one day will lead us on into heaven to be with Him forever?何不现在就再次衷心感谢神,为著这有一天将带领我们进天家,永远与祂同在的全备的救恩计划!

6.And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and thank GOD you're apve and still around.以及,当你沮丧并感到失望时,让微笑依然挂在你的脸上并感谢上帝你还活蹦乱跳地活着。

7.Thank God, these precious sheepskin volumes referred to my hands, my pfe from a turn for the better.感谢上帝,把这些珍贵的羊皮卷交到我的手上,使我的生命从此有了转机。

8.She said She wanted to thank God again for entrusting Her with this honorable job and for letting Her know so many colorful people.她感谢上帝给她这个机会,委任她这份荣耀的工作,让她认识这么多彩多姿的人们。

9."I sent 12 pizzas to my distributor and begged him to put my order at the top of the pst, " recalls Fortunato, 46. "He did, thank God. "46岁的Fortunato回忆到“我送了12个的比萨饼给我的经销商请求他将先交付我定单上要求的货物。他确实办到了,真的是谢天谢地。”

10.Thank God for gay men. Thank God for gay men, because if it were not for gay men, I would not talk to men at all.感谢上帝创造了男同性恋者,感谢上帝创造了男同性恋者,如果不是因为有男同性恋者,我根本就不会和男人说话。