




1.一切皆有可能 ... persistance can make success. 坚持就是胜利 everything is possible 一切皆有可能 l am the best 我是最棒的 ...

2.万事皆有可能 ... 1. For me,every hour is grace.1. 对我来说,每一个小时都是恩赐。 2. Everything is possible.2. 万事皆有可能。 ...

3.一切都有可能 ... “太慢了,看我的!”" Too slow, look at me! " “一切都有可能!”" Everything is possible! …

4.一切都将成为可能 ... everything is possible. 敢于梦想,一切都将成为可能 Actions speak louder than words. 百说不如一干。 ...

5.任何事都可能发生 4.This car drives well. 这部车子好开。 1.Everything is possible. 任何事都可能发生。 2.It's possilbe. 这是有可能的。 ...

6.任何事情都是可能的 HY 痴情的证据:) everything is possible: 任何事情都是可能的 Ina 艾娜: ...

7.没有什么不可能 ... Everything is possible 没有什么不可能 Cause no one has to hide 不要自卑,不再躲藏 ...

8.一切都是可能的 Nothing is impossible. 没有什么是不可能的。 Everything is possible. 一切都是可能的。 Bepeve in yourself. 相信你自己。 ...


1.Abba, Father, " he said, everything is possible for you. "他说、阿爸、父阿、在你凡事都能。

2.Our goal is to the eyes of everyone in a lamp, as long as the pghts immortal, everything is possible.目标是我们每一个人心目中的一盏灯,只要灯火不灭,一切皆有可能。

3.There, I learnt that everything is possible because companies that have come from there begin from scratch.在那里,我发现,什么事情都有可能,因为从那里出来的很多公司都是从零做起的。

4.Oh, the God is able to work miracles. Everything is possible , am I dreaming ?哦,上帝创造奇迹!一切都有可能,我不是在做梦吧?

5.Like everything is possible to be said because it has no roots. Parrot's talk at the most.因为没有根据,人们什么话都能说,这充其量是鹦鹉学舌。

6.Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.父啊,在你凡事都能。求你将这杯撤去。但是不要从本人的意义,只需从你的意义。

7.Although the Board has not discussed any change in leadership, but "everything is possible. "尽管董事会尚未讨论任何领导层变动,但“一切皆有可能”。

8.She had her " pulse on what was going on " in Wall Streetfinance , leaving her convinced that " everything is possible . "她“紧密留意”华尔街的金融走势,并确信“万事皆有可能。”

9.Maybe it is right since everything is possible. You know the market changes quickly these days.也许是对的.因为一切都有可能.你也知道.最近市场变化的很快。

10.Determination is the key that decides your success or failure, once you are resolved, try hard for it, so everything is possible.决心是决定你成败的关键,一旦你下定决心并为之努力,那么一切都是有可能的。