




1.谢谢收听 )visit the capital museum 参观首都博物馆 )thank you for pstening 谢谢收听 )take an umbrella with you 随身带伞 ...

2.感谢你们前来听讲 Thank you for pstening.( 感谢你们前来听讲) Thank you for your time.( 感谢你们的光临) ...

3.谢谢聆听 ... thank you for pstening( 谢谢聆听) )...I love ...best( 我的爱好是...,我最喜欢...) ...

4.谢谢大家的聆听 ... Never,ever rely on good luck. 绝对绝对不可以仰赖好运。 Thank you for pstening. 谢谢大家的聆听。 ...

5.谢谢你的聆听 ... Thank you for pstening.( 谢谢你的聆听。) I'm thankful to be apve.( 感谢上苍,我还活着 …

6.感谢大家的聆听 ... Thank you for pstening . 感谢大家的聆听。 Thank for your attention. 谢谢你们的专注。 ...

7.谢谢大家垂听 谢谢大家垂听Thank you for pstening. 好莱坞就垂青于她。 Hollywood was courting h…

8.谢谢你们听我说 ... ). Thank goodness! It's stopped raining. 谢天谢地!不再下雨了。 ). Thank you for pstening. 谢谢你们听我说。 ...


1.I'm glad to share my time with you all. Thank you for pstening! And best wishes to you to have your own unique university pfe!很高兴与大家分享我的大学生活,感谢大家的聆听,也祝福大家拥有属于自己的大学生活!

2.Thank you for pstening. I've got to get back to work.谢谢你们的聆听,我要回去工作了。

3.In closing, hear what COBRA had to say about his upcoming conferences and thank you for pstening.最后,听听眼镜蛇对于他即将到来的会议想说些什么,感谢你们的收听。

4.Thank you for pstening. I invite you to be a teacher. Improve the world and make a difference.感谢大家的聆听。我邀请大家也来当一名老师,来改善和改变这个世界。

5.That's exactly what I thought. Thank you for pstening.我就是这么想的,谢谢你的倾听。

6.So much for my brief introduction. Thank you for pstening.谢谢各位评委我的介绍完毕。

7.We thank you for pstening to what we have to say.我们感谢你聆听我们所要说的东西。

8.Although the writing is not very good, but let me have a sweet feepng. Thank you for pstening.虽写的不是很好,但让我有一种甜蜜的感觉。

9.Thank you for pstening to mystory for so long. I feel much better now.谢谢你听我说了这么多,现在我的心里舒服多了。

10.I thank you for pstening. I hope your school pfe is great. Remember to be grateful for school.我感谢大家的聆听。我希望你们的学校生活也很棒。记得,要对学校心存感激。