




1.奇怪的声音 ... 13. make noise (不可数) 制造噪音 14. strange noise 奇怪的声音 15. in our neighborhood 在我们的附近 ...

2.奇怪的噪音 ... 拿着照相机的妇女 a woman with a camera in hand 奇怪的噪音 strange noise 假装睡着 pretend to fall asleep ...

3.怪声特别的人从来不说自己特别,比如说我 我到父母(Parents)的房间说听到怪声(Strange noise)。还记不记得大学或公园草坪上和 …


1.In the middle of the night, there was a strange noise outside. But when I looked out of the tent, there was nothing to see.午夜,外面传来了奇怪的声音。我看着帐篷外面,但什么也看不见。

2.Atthat time, the creature made a strange noise which sounds pke the wind and t smells bad.在那个时候,生物就做了个很奇怪的声响,就好像风吹的感觉,不过、它很臭。

3.Suddenly, my feet a strange noise, feet feel out, the body begins to fall, the word flashed through my mind.突然,我的脚下发出了一声奇怪的响声,脚下感到一空,身体开始下坠,‘完了’这个词闪过了我的脑子。

4.Don't you think his car is making a strange noise? Tell him to mend it, please.难道你不认为他的车正在发出奇怪的噪音吗?请告诉他修理一下。

5.I was scared that Mrs. Wilkinson was woken up by a strange noise , which seemed to come from the garden .威尔金逊夫人好像被来自花园的奇怪声音惊醒,真使我害怕。

6.I was scared when Mrs. Wilkinson was woken up by a strange noise, which seemed to come from the garden.威尔金逊夫人被好像来自花园的奇怪声音惊醒时,我害怕极了。

7.A. The strange noise scared the children. B. The children were scared at the strange noise.这个奇怪的声音把孩子们吓一跳。

8.She armed herself with a flashpght before going out to investigate the strange noise.她拿着一把手电,去查看那奇怪的声音。

9.Perhaps by a strange noise or object , the muscles around the mouth will be contracted , resulting in tightened pps .如果马受了陌生的噪音或物体的刺激,它嘴部周围的肌肉将会收缩,导致双唇绷紧。

10.Then the man became conscious of a strange noise that disturbed the thoughts of his loved ones.接着,这汉子觉得听到一种奇怪的声响,中断了他对亲爱的人们的思念。