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1.塔尔 ... 塞娜 Thanā’ 塞拉 Tharā’ 塞日娅 Thurayyā ...

4.塔尔煤矿 ... (九)石膏( GYPSUM/ANHYDRITE) 塔尔煤矿 THAR 宋达-萨塔 SONDA- ...


6.泰尔美国泰尔(Thar ) www.thartech网址被屏蔽 Thar Technologies(美国泰尔技术公司)能够为药品、食品、化学品和电子产品等行业提 …


1.I sort of feel pke I'm on drugs when I'm with you . Not thar I do drugs , unless you do drugs, in which case I do drugs all the time .和你在一起的感觉就是好像是在嗑药,不是说我真的嗑药啊,除非你嗑药,那样的话我就一直嗑药

2.remember before you hit me that i have teeth thar could easily crush bones of your hand but i choose not to bite you.在伱举手打我以前,请不要忘记。我有足可以咬断伱手骨般锋利的牙齿,但我决不会去选择伤害伱。

3.From thar day on, he gave special attention to her, and decided to do his best to save her pfe.自从那天以后,他便特别照顾她,决定要尽他最大的努力去挽救她的生命。

4.Is thar all you wish to ask ? The witness has identify you , that's enough .这就是你想问的问题?证人已经指正了你,这就足够了。

5.Once, Drek'Thar had been mentally as sharp as a dagger, even though his body was growing increasingly fragile under the weight of his years.曾经,德雷克塔尔精神错乱的就像一个锋利的匕首,在他年迈身体承受这样的体重变得异常脆弱。

6.Thar showed Arha the many spy holes that opened into the maze, in every building and temple of the Place, and even under rocks out of doors.陵墓所在地的建筑和神庙都暗藏观测迷宫的小孔,连门下的岩石也不例外,萨尔把这些告诉了欧哈。

7.Because numbers generated by systematic methods are not truly random, thar are called pseudorandom numbers.由于用系统的方法产生的数不可能真正是随机的,就成为伪随机数。

8.Aye but allo' them be a fair hike away. Thar's travel expenses: feed fer tha horses, room an' board, meals.对头,但它们都很遥远。旅行花销包括:马匹的饲料,住宿与饮食费用。

9.bellowed Drek'Thar. Thrall wished he could snatch back the words, but it was too late. He had obviously deeply offended the shaman.德雷克塔尔怒吼道。萨尔希望能收回说过的话,但是太晚了。他显然深深地触怒了这位萨满。

10."Come now, Greatfather Drek'Thar, it is only a dream, " the young orc chided.“回到现实来吧,先祖塔尔,这只是一个梦而已,”年轻的兽人说道。