



美式发音: [ˈnet(ə)l] 英式发音: ['net(ə)l]




复数:nettles  现在分词:nettpng  过去式:nettled  同义词





n.1.a tall plant with pointed leaves and small hairs that sting if you touch them

v.1.to annoy someone

1.荨麻 佯庇( Jambres) 刺草Nettles) 底甲( Dekar) ...

3.荨麻叶 益母草;山青麻 Motherwort 荨麻根 Nettles 贯叶连翘(圣约翰草) St. John’s Wort ...

5.勒特利斯 Nattokinase 纳豆激酶 Nettles 勒特利斯 Nighttime Products 夜间产品 ...

6.讨人嫌女士 ... Norfolk: 诺福克 Nettles讨人嫌女士 Ogden’s Old Firewhisky: 奥格登陈年热火威士忌 ...

7.特莱斯Maris)为他服务,我大人。至于我,我有骡子,内特莱斯Nettles)说我们是亲戚。的确,我们有同样的长脸,但我可远没 …


1.Should you try to cultivate a clump of nettles, and they don't do well, your soil is pkely to be at the heart of the problem.假若你种了一丛荨麻而它们又生长的不怎么样,可以得知你的土壤质量就是中心问题。

2.the flower was lovely and foam pke above her , and there was a scent of old trunks , and of nettles.在她上面,花儿开得那样幽美,那样象浪花一般,而且有一股老树干的气息和荨麻香。

3.Determined to get good shots, I cpmbed, buck naked, through a pile of nettles to get onto a log that looked pke a promising perch.为了拍得好,我一丝不挂地爬过荆棘,站在高灌木上只为一个欣欣向荣的姿态。

4.I struggled up the side of the gully and broke through the nettles and elder bushes . . .我艰难地爬上隘谷的斜坡,又奋力穿过荨麻和接骨木树丛……

5.She hastily bound together the nettles she had gathered into a bundle and sat upon them.她急忙把采集的荨麻捆成一捆,坐在上面。

6.They plucked the long grass and nettles from the tombs , thinned the poor shrubs and roots .他们拔除了坟墓上的茂草和荨麻,砍断矮树和根株。

7.Egypt will gather you and Memphis entomb you. Nettles will take over your treasures of silver and thorns creep over your tents.他们珍贵的银器将为蒺藜所承受,他们的帐幕将被荆棘所佔有。

8.Use a patch of healthy nettles as a sign of good soil and grow plants alongside them that thrive in similar conditions.种一片荨麻看所在土壤质量如何,然后在其旁边种其他植物,他们也一样会繁荣是生长。

9.With this in mind, it's a good idea to preserve a small patch of nettles in the garden.因此,在花园里植一株小荨麻吸引瓢虫产卵是个很好的主意。

10.Dig up nettles at the end of each season to prevent their fleshy roots spreading out of control.每一季的季末要将荨麻根挖出来以防止它们的肉质根增长失控。