





2.美丽国度 Zeitgeist 剧情 The Beautiful Country 美丽新故乡 Cronicas 深入虎穴 ...

5.这是美丽的祖国 这是美丽的祖国 The beautiful country, 在这片辽阔的土地上 In the far-flung area, ...

6.美丽村庄家喻户晓。汉斯.彼得.莫兰从 1993年起共拍摄了6部故事片,其中《美丽村庄》(The beautiful country)曾经入围2004年柏 …


1.This aspect of the new pfestyle is echoed by an increasing desire to see more of the beautiful country of China.新生活方式的这一方面与人们不断增强的、想要看到中国美丽乡村的愿望相呼应。

2.The travelers decided to extend their visit to see more about the beautiful country.游客们决定延长逗留时间,好好看看这个美丽的国家。

3.as i was travepng to the u . s . , i thought about all the stories about the beautiful country.在途中,我想着关于这个美丽国度的所有的故事。

4.Read base half round cabinet: Red is the main color of it and painted by trees water and mountains show the beautiful country side.红地半圆柜:红色是它的主体,上绘有不同山水、树木,展现了大好河山的壮丽景观。

5.Before we left New Zealand, Chelsea and I and my staff took some time to enjoy the beautiful country.离开新西兰之前,我和切尔西以及我的随行人员们抽出时间游览了这个美丽的国家。

6.A: It gives me great pleasure to visit the beautiful country of Poland for the first time at the invitation of Foreign Minister Sikorski.答:我很高兴应西科尔斯基外长邀请首次访问美丽的波兰。

7.It gives me great pleasure to visit Indonesia, the beautiful country of thousand islands.我很高兴来到美丽的千岛之国印度尼西亚访问。

8.In the beautiful country Maldives, there is a very special restaurant--the world's first underwater restaurant.在美丽的马尔代夫,有这样一家特别的餐厅--全球首家水下餐厅。

9.We brought away happy memories of the beautiful country.我们带回了对这个美丽国家的愉快回忆。

10.i am so excited that i see the beautiful country park.看到那个美丽的乡村公园我很兴奋。