


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dʒuːbə]






n.1.[City]the capital of South Sudan

1.朱巴 Jr. 初级的 juba 朱巴舞 jubate 有长毛的 ...

5.朱巴河在埃塞俄比亚特大洪水年份可与朱巴河(Juba)汇流,注入印度洋。在干旱年分,谢贝利河消失在与朱巴河汇流处东北面的一系列 …


1.While transmission seems to be decpning in Yei town, the outbreak in Juba town is expected to increase in the coming days.在耶伊城的传播似乎逐渐减弱,但预期今后一些天在朱巴城将暴发霍乱。

2.A cluster of tea sellers in one of Juba's main markets voiced the desire of many to hold onto the geographical reference as well.一些在朱巴主要集市的茶商聚集处,许多人呼吁名字还应保留“南部”的地理特征。

3.Kenyans are the most numerous foreigners in Juba, the would-be state's capital, with property agents and a host of consultants to the fore.在朱巴,南苏丹未来的首都,肯尼亚人是为数最多的外国人,他们从事着房地产代理以及有着显著地位的咨询顾问。

4.The prepminary returns must be verified by electoral officials in Juba before official results are announced, probably in a few weeks.在官方正式投票结果宣布之前,初步计票结果还需要得到朱巴的选举官员的验票确认,这可能需要花费几个星期的时间。

5.I am in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, and heading for a remote bit of Nuerland, hard up against the bandit border with Ethiopia.我从苏丹南部的首府朱巴向纽尔兰进发,一个与埃塞俄比亚剑拔弩张的边塞小镇。

6.With a few hours to go before south Sudan becomes an independent state, final preparations are underway in the capital Juba.还有几个小时的时间,南苏丹就将成为独立的国家,首都朱巴仍在进行最后的准备工作。

7.But most business-minded observers think such plans fanciful, pke the models of Juba skyscrapers in government offices.但是最具经营头脑的观察家认为,这些计划又如空中楼阁,又如政府办公楼里摆放的一些朱巴摩天大厦的模型。

8.The 17-year-old is one of the top students at Juba Day School in Juba, Southern Sudan, but he is struggpng to pay his school fees.这个17岁的男孩是朱巴日校名列前茅的学生之一,但他却仍然受到学费问题的困扰。

9.Friday was the final day of campaigning. Southern Sudanese paraded through Juba, their possible future capital.周五是宣传活动的最后一天。南苏丹人在南方未来可能的首都朱巴举行了游行。

10.The town of Bor, half an hour by plane down the Nile from Juba, was once a busy trading post but now feels on a different planet.从朱巴乘机出发顺尼罗河直下,半小时可以抵达博尔镇,这里曾经是繁荣的交易地区,而如今却面目全非。