




1.中国的首都 square 广场 the capital of China 中国的首都 our 我们的 ...

2.中国首都 12. 对。。。感兴趣 be interested in doing 13. 中国首都 the capital of china 14. 对。。。。惊讶 be surprised a…

3.中华之都 ... ) imperial center 帝王之都 ) the capital of China 中华之都 ) tourism site 旅游之都 ...


1.As you know, Beijing is the capital of China and 2008 Olympic Games will be held there.众所周知,北京是中国的首都,而且2008年奥运会将在那里举办。

2.It comes to the capital of China. We enjoy the technological Olympics all over the country.终于,它来到中国的首都,举国欢庆,科技奥运。

3.Beijing, that is to say, the capital of China is the city in which he was born.北京,也就是中国的首都是他出生的城市。

4.My hometown Beijing is a very beautiful and modern city in the north of China. It is the capital of China with a long history.我的家乡北京是一个中国北方美丽的现代化都市。它是中国的首都,并且具有悠久的历史。

5.Beijing, the capital of China, is one of the world's most beautiful cities.北京,中国的首都,是世界上最美丽的城市之一。

6.The city was the capital of China during the Tang Dynasty.这座城市曾是中国唐朝时的都城。

7.As the capital of China, Beijing is a beautiful city with a history of more than 600years.北京是中国的首都,是一个美丽的城市,有着600多年的历史。

8.As the capital of China, it is economic and poptical center, but, and most major cities, Beijing's traffic congestion is unbearable.作为中国的首都,它是经济和政治的中心,但是和大多大城市一样,北京的交通也是拥堵不堪。

9.I am used to pving in Beijing, I am proud to tell myself that my hometown is the capital of China - Beijing.我已经习惯在北京的生活,我很自豪的告诉自己,我的故乡是中国的首都――北京。

10.It's the capital of China, It's famous for the GreatWall. It has many places of interest.北京是我国的首都,以长城著名,有许多名胜古迹。