




1.天选之子 Malfoy),而且这三位帅哥冒似都觉得自己是“真命天子”(The Chosen One),虽然被选出来的目的不同,而且他们三个都有“阴 …


5.救世之星 ... 皮普的生活 Lil' Pimp 命中注定 The Chosen One 龙刀奇缘 DragonBlade ...



1.It is said the chosen one would be able to do so in the time of one moon.这是说,选择一个能够这样做的时候,一个月亮。

2.It justifies, because you know Anakin and Obi -Wan have it out, but Anakin is the chosen one-he is supposed to be the best.这样做很正确,因为你知道阿纳金和奥比万要一决雌雄,但是阿纳金是原力之子——他被设定为最优秀的一个。

3.As any competition, there is only one winner and I hope you pked my choice, even though your helmet was not the chosen one.任何一个比赛,都只能有一个冠军,我希望你们喜欢我的选择,如果我选择的不是你那个的话。

4.They said, "He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One. "官府也嗤笑他,说:“他救了别人;他若是基督,神所拣选的,可以救自己吧!”

5.Qui-Gon Jinn bepeved Anakin to be the Chosen One spoken of in an ancient prophecy, the one who would bring balance to the Force.奎冈·金相信阿纳金就是古老预言中提到的那个将为原力带来平衡的“天选之子”。

6.She had deserved worse - yet she was the chosen one.她本应该受到惩罚的,可是她却是被选中的人。

7.By ms. Sun jing teacher throw the ball selected the second man, the chosen one answered ms. Sun jing teacher extraction problem (5 minutes).由孙静老师抛球选中第二个人,被选中的人回答孙静老师抽取的问题(5分钟)。

8.He gave a dark dragon skull to Kunyak to guard for the chosen one.他给库雅克一个暗黑龙头骨,让他保护那个被选中的人。

9.He knew of the ancient prophecy of the Chosen One who would return balance to the Force.他知道那个古老预言,那个“天选之子”将使原力重归平衡。

10.So you are the chosen one. You're not about to be displaced.所以,你就是被选中的那一个。你将不会被取代。