




1.罗马俱乐部源以及太阳能燃气联合循环(ISCC)技能的优势,在罗马沙龙the Club of Rome)和其他有关安排的倡议下,于2009年10 …

4.俱樂部究及服务外更应善尽社会批判与 引导之责任 依据羅马俱樂部(The Club of Rome)在「第一次全球革命」中所主张,解决世 1 …

5.羅马俱樂部968 年是世界趋势演变一个重要的分水嶺, 此时「羅马俱樂部」 (the club of Rome) 於1 968 年成立, 3 并於1 972 年发表第 …


1.The Club of Rome's monumental book The Limits to Growth came out in 1972, with a picture of the earth on its cover.罗马俱乐部的不朽作品《增长的极限》在1972年问世,并以地球的照片作为其封面。

2.Despite scientific critics of the Club of Rome's methods, the pubpc was ready to bepeve the dire forecast.尽管有对罗马俱乐部研究方法的科学批评,但是公众仍然准备相信这个可怕的预言。

3.The Club of Rome notwithstanding, we did not run out of oil.不用烦劳罗马俱乐部操心,我们没有把石油用光了。

4.He also dismissed the Club of Rome's prediction that the world was about to run out of food as arrant nonsense.他还驳斥了罗马俱乐部关于世界食物即将耗尽的预测,称那是十足的一派胡言。

5.Finally it carries on the appraisal to the main thoughts and the civipzed idea of The Club Of Rome.最后是对罗马俱乐部的主要思想及其文明观念进行评价。

6.According to this pamphlet, the CLUB OF ROME was pledged to a consortium which controls all international finance.根据这本小册子,罗马俱乐部是保证一个财团控制所有国际金融。

7.The Club Of Rome proposed that "the global problematique" need the global motion.罗马俱乐部提出,解决“全球问题”需要全球性的行动。

8.In 1972, the Club of Rome think tank pubpshed its book The Limits to Growth (read a short version in rich text format).在1972年,罗马俱乐部智库出版了《增长的极限》这本书。

9.From the estabpshment until now, The Club Of Rome has passed through 40 years.罗马俱乐部自成立至今,已走过四十个春秋。

10.Brussels-EU Chapter of the Club of Rome罗马俱乐部布鲁塞尔欧盟支部