




1.哥伦布大交换 137.Indies ? Bahamas ! 印度群岛?巴哈马群岛! 138.The Columbian Exchange 哥伦布文化交流 ...

3.哥伦布交换:克罗斯比长期投注环境史研究,最脍炙人口的著作有《哥伦布交流》(The Columbian Exchange)和《生态帝国主义》(E…

5.哥伦布的交流 ... 社会的种类 Kinds of Societies 哥伦布的交流 The Columbian Exchange 荒野及花园 Wilderness and Garden ...


1.China became involved in a new global trade of goods, plants, animals, and food crops known as the Columbian Exchange.中国逐渐成为与“哥伦布大交流”齐名的商品、动植物、粮食作物的国际贸易市场。

2.Much more direct was the role of the Columbian Exchange in the creation of Great Britain.在大不列颠王国创立过程中,哥伦布交换扮演的的角色更直接。

3.The Columbian Exchange carried other costs as well.哥伦布交换也招致其它代价。

4.All of these questions are tied in crucial ways to the Columbian Exchange.上述问题的答案都与“哥伦布大交换”有着千丝万缕的联系。

5.But Scots could hardly complain about the consequences of the Columbian Exchange.但苏格兰人抱怨不得哥伦布交换带来的后果。

6.The Columbian Exchange continues to this day.哥伦布交换在现代继续发挥作用。

7.Did the Columbian Exchange cause chattel slavery in the Americas?是哥伦布交换导致奴役制度在美洲大陆出现的吗?

8.Hestarted what is called the "Columbian Exchange" .他开始了现在所称的“哥伦布文化交流”。