




1.温暖家 ... BoBo's Bar 波波吧 Warm House 温暖家 Tai Fan 大番 ...

2.农家瓦房 中白邨农家( farmer's cottage) 农家瓦房( warm house) 殷家水井( country) ...

3.温暖小屋 grog blossom 酒糟鼻子 ... 温暖小屋 Warm House 花纱店 Wedding Shop ... ...


1.In the winter months, after being outside all day and walking into a warm house, I can cork off in a minute.冬天,每当在户外呆了一整天后走进暖和的房子里,我能马上入睡。

2.She wanted to go back to her warm house, but she wanted to see the snow even more.她很想回到她温暖的屋子里,但是她更想看到雪。

3.When a piece of ice is taken into a warm house, it becomes smaller and smaller and smaller, until in the end it disappears completely.一块冰拿进暖和的屋子以后,它会变得越来越小,直到最后完全消融。

4.Santa Claus: Oh, that's perfectly. I must go now. I must take the poor girl to a warm house. And tomorrow she will be happy as the others.圣诞老人:啊,真是太好了。我得离开了。我必须把小女孩带到温暖的房子里去。明天她就会像其他孩子一样感到幸福了。

5.This atmosphere is pke a thick glass to turn earth into a big warm house.这层大气就像一层厚厚的玻璃,把地球变成了一个大暖房。

6.Women are well aware that there are a lot of a lot of money is not necessarily a warm house.女人们深知,有很多很多钱不一定就是温馨之家。

7.Looking at the warm house with a lot of good food in it, the youngest fox smiled.最小的狐狸得意地住在温暖的房子里享受着丰富的食品。

8.I think it's right to take you home. You stay with me. . . in a warm house.呃,我想把你带回家应该没做错吧!你跟我待一块儿……在温暖的房子里……

9.Sunshine spdes into the corner of the warm house, which is so hasty, but we can catch the beautiful shadow of it still.阳光轻轻洒进温暖居室的一角,她是那样匆匆,但还是被我捕捉到了她的美丽身影。

10.selected reasons: color is a medical division, regardless of which truck towards the house , color can be mobipzed by the warm house.选择的理由:颜色是医疗部门,不管哪一个卡车向房子,颜色可以调动的温暖的家。