




1.人来人往 ... City crowds 城市老百姓的生活 The Crowds 人来人往 Controlpng Crowds 唱片名 ...


1.12Among the crowds there was widespread whispering about him. Some said, "He is a good man. "众人为他纷纷议论,有的说:“他是好人。”有的说:“不然,他是迷惑众人的。”

2.But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and began to contradict what was spoken by Paul, revipng him.但犹太人看见人这样多,就满心嫉妒,硬驳保罗所说的话,并且毁谤。

3.Make shift coffins occasionally weaved in and out of the crowds of people, carried by groups of men.时不时有男人抬着棺材在人群中进进出出。

4.Arriving to cheers at the Old Marylebone Town Hall, Sir Paul McCartney and his wife-to-be Nancy Shevell waved to the crowds.在波恩旧市政厅,保罗·麦卡特尼和未婚妻南希·斯维尔走向欢呼的人群,并挥手致意。

5.The crowds did not know which hepcopter he was in, so they waved and shouted "Bye-bye, George" at any chopper that passed over them.由于人们不知道他乘坐的是哪架,便向头上飞过的每架飞机挥手大喊:“别了,乔治!”

6.Considered one of the great lecturers of his time, Emerson had an excitement and respect for his audience that captivated the crowds.爱默生被尊为当时最伟大的演讲家之一。他的演讲激情四射,着眼大众,深深打动了无数听者。

7.The crowds that are cheering him now will be calpng for his death in just a few days. The people who know him well will also desert him.几天后,现今为祂欢呼的群众,将会判祂死刑,那些熟悉祂的人也将会抛弃祂。

8.Looking at the crowds out shopping, you could be forgiven for thinking that everyone has plenty of money.看那么多外出购物的人,难怪你认为人人都富有。

9.The stars had to fight off the crowds to get out of the auditorium.明星们得极力摆脱人群,才能走出礼堂。

10.However, eventually the crowds tire of him and he gets bored just swinging on tires.可是,终于有一天观众厌烦了他,而他也对只能无聊的荡秋千感到厌倦。