




1.洗头 开会 have a meeting 洗头 wash hair 钢琴 piano ...

2.洗头发 smell the flowers 闻花香 77. wash hair 洗头发 78. wash clothes 洗衣服 79. ...

3.洗头发应该就是 ... 洗我的头发英文是 wash my hair 洗头发应该就是 wash hair 洗你的头发英文是 wash your hair ...

4.洗发 ... 理发店 barbershop wash hair 洗发 haircut 剪发 ...


1.She crouched in her chair to stand up to wash hair, for a piece of fresh clean gray suit, she punched a phone, I do not know to whom.她从她蜷伏的椅子里站起来,去梳头洗脸,换了件干净清爽的灰色套装,她打了个电话,不知道给谁。

2.Before going to bed repair: coloured wash hair before going to bed to repair dry and damaged hair, do two or three times a week works well.睡前修护:睡前涂上免洗的护发素能够修护干燥受损的头发,每周做两到三次效果较好。

3.The 5th kind of method is: Put plant ash in birdbath to clarify, with will wash hair, make a hair clean and complaisant .第五种方法是:把草木灰放在水盆里澄清,用来洗发,使头发干净柔顺。

4.First of all, guarantee to use tap water before and after water (if not using mineral water) wash hair.首先,保证下水前后都要用自来水(没有的话用矿泉水)冲洗头发。

5.To give a shine to hair : Add one teaspoon of vinegar to hair, then wash hair.加一汤匙的醋在你头上,再冲洗头发,可让你的头发光亮。

6.I say: "mother, the cat really love the clean ah, will wash hair. "我说:“妈妈,这个猫真爱干净啊,会自己清洗毛发。”

7.It was that night, in the Milky Way to wash hair will cowboy.相传,这天晚上织女会在银河洗发去会牛郎。

8.I hate others wash hair for me.我讨厌人家帮我洗头。

9.Shower and wash hair daily.每天洗头和洗澡。

10.step1: Wash hair shampoo and towel dry.用洗发水洗头然后用毛巾擦干。