




1.时间的尽头的前几年进入到我们的世界,这几年会让他有时间去为〝时间的尽头〞(the end of time),或在主流媒体里一直被提到的 20…

2.地老天荒 甄妮 - 再度孤独( Love Is Over) 关淑怡 - 地老天荒( The End of Time) ...

3.时间的终结 (出版社:三三堂文化) 借助天文学数据,试图诠释人类历史时间终结The End of Time)的真实程度,而不是世界实体的消失…

5.时间终结 Mayan Calendar 玛雅日历 The end of time 时间终结 Apocalypse 世界末 …

6.天荒地老 ... (waiting for = 等待...的到来, 为...等待) (the end of time = 天荒地老) (looking towards = 向...眺望) ...

7.时之终结 ... 轮滑女郎 Whip It 神秘博士2009圣诞篇:时之终结 Doctor Who:The End of Time 田禹治 Jeon Wo…


1.I used to laugh at the kind of girl that is always waiting for her charming prince who'll love her until the end of time.我过去经常嘲笑那些总是等着白马王子爱她们到天荒地老的傻丫头。

2.The beginning of eternity, The end of time and space. The beginning of every end, And the end of every place.永恒的开始,时间和空间的结束,每个结束的开始,每个地方的结束。

3.He gazed into her eyes and promised that he will love her until the end of time.他注视着她的眼睛,发誓说他会爱她爱到海枯石烂。

4.And when we stand before him at the end of time, all that matters is what he's going to say about how you used your SHAPE.到生命的最后一刻,我们站在他面前,真正重要的是他将怎么评论你如何运用你的造型。

5.What's the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of the end, and the end of every place?什么东西在永恒的开始却在时间和空间的尽头,在结束的开头,却在每个地方的结尾?

6.She had opened the garden of love to me, and I must stay by her till the end of time.是她打开了我爱的园门,我得和她走到山穷水尽。(《老舍全集》)

7.Multi-tasking; it seems that people are going to have big debates about this topic until the end of time.多重任务处理;我想,在这篇文章过后,对于这个话题将会产生很多激烈的讨论。

8.He said he'd love her till the end of time, ie for ever.他说天长地久永远爱她。

9.Don't know when to start, do not know what will be in the end of time, I saw the world turning grey, adjustable back.记不清楚是什么时候开始,也不知道将会在什么时候结束,我看见的世界变成了灰色,调不回来了。

10.My lover, it's the greatest glory and joy for me to work for you devotedly till the end of time.我的爱人,能忠实地为你奉献一生的时光是我的荣耀和欢乐。