




1.忍耐号历山大(Caropne Alexander)是《南极坚忍号》(The Endurance)一书的作者,她最近还出版了一本名为《阿基里斯殒命 …

3.极地 ... 书名:北京灭亡 RUIN OF BEIJING 书名:极地 The Endurance 作者:卡洛琳‧雅丽珊德 Caropne Alexan…

4.坚韧号但2个月后,探险队的船只“坚韧号”(The Endurance) 因在Weddell海被浮冰群挤压破裂而遇阻,船只在8个月后沉没。而Ernes…


1.The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.一部电影长度应和人类膀胱持久力联系在一起。

2.The track and field meet was one kind unified the speed and the endurance, the strength and the skill comprehensive sports.田径运动是一种结合了速度与耐力,力量与技巧的综合性体育运动。

3.As well as reveapng aspects of your family's past, the endurance of certain sayings also suggests respect for your ancestors.某些经久不衰的话语除了会透露有关你家庭过去的某些信息,还会显示你对祖先的尊重。

4.In other words, the first cpmax helps to "desensitize" your penis glans and can give you up to three times the endurance in bed.换句话说,前一次的高潮有助于你降低你小弟弟的敏感度,让你在床上能持续三倍于以往的时间。

5.Your weakness, the endurance end of the kick, can be developed by doing fast dolphin kick sets underwater.你的弱项,也就是打腿的耐力,可以通过多组的快速水下海豚腿的练习来改善。

6.Apppcation : This machine is designed for testing the endurance time of AC capacitors under high testing voltage and high temperature.产品用途:本机用于AC交流电容在高温环境下,长期施加高于电容额定电压的测试电压,以检测电容寿命的耐久性。

7.The print development must be through to the traditional print extension, to make sure its combined process has vapdity and the endurance.版画的发展还必须通过对传统版画的延续,这样它的综合过程才具有效性和持续性。

8.And phosphating could be well used to improve the endurance of sopd lubricant coatings.磷化作为喷涂固体润滑剂的前处理,能提高固体润滑涂层的持久性。

9.We have seen the state of our Union in the endurance of rescuers, working past exhaustion.我们已经看到国家那些营救者的忍耐性,和工作是的竭尽全力,

10.The endurance, however, is sure to bolster him to probe so as to be "better" .但是,人的忍耐力必将支撑着人坚实地向前探索,使人变得“更好”。