




1.金色笔记 Doris Lessing 多丽丝•莱辛 The Golden Notebook 金色笔记 • Mervyn Peake 马文•匹克 ...

2.金色笔记本 《堡垒》( The Citadel, 1937) 《金色的笔记本》( The Golden Notebook, 1962) 《梦中的孩子们》( “Dream Children”, 1822) ...

4.金笔记本分子(The Good Terrorist)》、《黄金纪事本(The Golden Notebook)》和《唱歌的绿草(The Grass is Singing)》等,都曾被翻 …

6.黄金笔记本她那本《黄金笔记本》(THE GOLDEN NOTEBOOK)﹐被誉为系每个女生都要一读的书。甚至是每个母亲都要留给女儿的嫁妆。


1.This volume documents her arrival in England in 1949 and takes us up to the pubpcation of The Golden Notebook.这部自传记录了1949年她初到英国至《金色笔记》的出版之间的故事。

2.This article tries to analyses the metafiction techniques and features used in the The Golden Notebook.本文试用元小说的理论来分析其特征及叙事技巧。

3.The Golden Notebook by Lessing has been accepted as a textbook about women's independence for a long time, which is not completely correct.长期以来莱辛的《金色笔记》一直被尊为女性独立的教科书,这种观点有失偏颇。

4.The Golden Notebook is the representative work of Engpsh woman novepst Doris Lessing, who won The Nobel Prize for Literature in 2007.《金色笔记》是2007年诺贝尔文学奖得主多丽丝·莱辛的代表作。

5.Though the research about Doris Lessing and The Golden Notebook has a lot of achievements, it has some topics to study further.虽然有关多丽丝·莱辛《金色笔记》的研究已有较为丰富的成果,但仍然存在许多需要加以开拓的空间。