




1.坏守卫thod)、《文明的野蛮人》(Carnage)、《看守员》(The Guard)、《分居风暴》(A Separation)、《更高境界》(Higher Ground)…

3.国民警卫队 《锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间谍》 Tinker,Tailor,Soldier,Spy 《国民警卫队The Guard 《雨果 …

4.守卫军 ... 亡命驾驶( Drive) 保安( The Guard) 后人( The Descendants) ...

6.城市的守卫着 ... Vocaloid Chibi Apps 卡通人物头像 the Guard 城市的守卫着 Sword That Protects 死神虚世界剑是为保护自己重要的 …


1.He just went into the door and was stopped by the guard. On entering the gate, he was stopped by the guard.他刚一进大门,就被门卫给拦住了。

2.Right, once I'm past the guard I'll hide out In the castle and try to think of a way to get us both out of here.没错,等到我过了警卫那边,我就会去找个地方躲起来,然后想个办法让我们两个都逃出去。

3.The toe on the side of the guard naturally turns out a pttle, otherwise the position is as described dismounted.在防卫那边的脚外转一点,其它和步下训练相同。

4.His decision to leave the bank comes amid a changing of the guard among top Canadian economists.Rubin先生的离职仅是加拿大顶级经济研究员离职风潮中的一例。

5.The changing of the guard in terms of GDP underscored a trend playing out in industries from automobiles to luxury goods.两国GDP地位的交接突出表明,在汽车到奢侈品的各个行业中的一种趋势正在消亡。

6.It would be a breach of duty for the guard to leave before his replacement comes.在警卫的接手人来到之前,他的离开是失职。

7."You guys, aren't you paying for those? " , said the guard who caught us. I pulled out a few pennies from my pocket: "With these? "“你们这几个家伙,你们交钱了吗?”保安抓住我们后说道。我从口袋里拿出了几便士说:“这些够吗?”

8.I say a horse at a gallop, Tom, ' returned the guard, leaving his hold of the door, and mounting nimbly to his place.“我可说是有匹马快跑过来了,汤姆,”卫士回答。他放掉车门,敏捷地跳上踏板。

9.I hope there ain't, but I can't make so 'Nation sure of that, ' said the guard, in gruff soploquy.“我倒也希望没有问题,可我他妈的放心不下,”那卫兵粗声粗气地自言自语。

10.Then filed out the guard, and with them the survivors of our would- be murderers , to the number of twenty or more .接着卫兵和那些想杀我们而侥幸没有被我们杀死的人鱼贯而出,大约有二十多个。