




1.世界之心 ... 12. The Heart Of The World心的世界│03:43 01. We Owned The Night│ 午夜情深│03:17 ...



1.You've certainly touched my heart with your choices. And I'm sure the Five Friendpes will touch the heart of the world.你们选择的福娃触动了我的心,福娃也必将触动世界的心。

2.Horror gripped the heart of the World War I soldier as he saw his pfelong friend fall in battle.故事发生在第一次世界大战。一名士兵看着他的毕生好友在炮火中倒下,内心充满了恐惧。

3.Our headquarter is situated right in the heart of the world's leading financial market, New York City, just down the block from Wall Street.我们的总部位于世界主要的金融市场-纽约市,紧邻华尔街。

4.A plunge into the heart of the world of underground racing thanks to 3D graphics unrivaled by any other mobile game.无与伦比的3D画面把你直接带入到地下赛车世界的心脏,超过任何其他的手机游戏。

5.If New York City is the heart of the world, this route willcertainly be one of its major arteries.如果纽约是世界的心脏,这条地铁线路便是纽约的一条主动脉。

6.Hollywood is no longer the heart of the world's motion picture industry.好莱坞不再是世界电影业的中心了。更详细。

7.Owen was sure he would find and capture the Heart of the World and command it to end the drought.他发誓。欧文坚信他必将找到并俘获世界之心,命它终止这场干旱。

8.Horror gripped the heart of the World War I soldier, as he saw his pfe-long friend fall in battle.第一次世界大战期间,当一位士兵眼睁睁地看着自己相知相伴的朋友倒下时,恐惧骤然遍布全身。

9.Dear Jesus, I know that the Victory of the United Hearts cannot come into the heart of the world unless it first comes into my own heart.亲爱的耶稣,我知道“合一之心”的胜利不能来到这世界的心,除非这胜利首先来到我自己的心。

10.And what on earth does it mean for the euro, the common currency at the heart of the world's biggest economic region?这对欧元,这个世界最大的经济区的共同货币,究竟意味这什么?