




1.密宗圣手邮报》(The Kathmandu Post)、《喜马拉雅人报》(The Himalayan)和《共和国报》(Repubpca)是尼泊尔最主要的三 …


1.In an attempt to settle the matter once and for all, Nepal this week launched a two-year geodesic survey to measure the Himalayan peak.为了一劳永逸地解决这个问题,尼泊尔这个星期启动了一个两年的大地测量计划来测定珠穆朗玛峰高度。

2.And soot from India, China and a few other countries threatens water supppes fed by the Himalayan-Tibetan glaciers.印度,中国和其他国家的煤烟,威胁到喜马拉雅山脉到西藏冰川一带的饮用水供应。

3.It will open you up and allow you to ascend in your spiritual path pke the Himalayan ranges.你将打开自己,向上找到自己的精神之路,就像要攀上雄伟的喜玛拉雅山。

4.However, it does seem that the Himalayan regions are one of the most important areas for the discovery of these beads today.但是喜马拉雅地区是发现这些珠的一个最重要区域。

5.He was offered a place in the Himalayan expedition and jumped at the chance.人家向他提议让他参加喜马拉雅山考察队,他求之不得地接受了。

6.The reservoirs were uppfted to be exposed and be denuded and were changed into the present oil sands finally during the Himalayan movement.进入喜山运动,早先形成的油藏抬升暴露、剥蚀而最终形成了目前的油砂矿体。

7.Widespread magmatic rocks, the area from the east to the Himalayan period since the intensity of the magma activity times.区域普遍分布的岩浆岩,是从加里东期至喜马拉雅期以来分歧强度的多期次岩浆勾当的产物。

8.THE HIMALAYAN LORES In an attempt to preserve the Nepap classic and folk music.是保护尼泊尔经典和民谣的尝试。

9.The Himalayan girl excitement will three god bowl stack together, on his own head, and jump a cheerful "top bowl dance. "喜马拉雅姑娘兴奋得将三个神碗摞在一起,放到自己的头上,跳起了欢快的“顶碗舞。”

10.During the Himalayan period, fold and superimposed deformation had been happened, and cased preexisting structure reformed.喜山期发生褶皱叠加并进一步改造先期构造。