


美式发音: [kɒn] 英式发音: [kɒn]







1.康恩所关心的问题有很大的距离。康恩(Conn) 博士注意到:“教会看起来是在城市里的,但其实并不真的属于城市。占据四周的是 …

2.康牌 ResistanceWire 电阻线 Conn 连接器 Diode 二极管 ...

4.康涅狄格(Connecticut) ... //密码$ password=$_POST //1、连接数据库$ conn=mysql_connect //变化验证逻辑$ sql= ...

6.科恩 ... Byron / 拜伦 1943 Conn / 科恩 1943 Cotton / 科顿 1943 ...


1.The ferocious attack by a chimpanzee of a woman in Stamford, Conn. , on Feb. 16 wasn't a question of if but of when.一个女人2月16日在康涅狄格州斯坦福德,,黑猩猩凶猛的攻击,是不是如果,而是问题。

2.And Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn. , the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, said he would hold a hearing on the issue next month.同时,森·克里斯托弗多德,参议院银行业务委员会的主席,说他将下个月举行有关此问题的一次听证会。

3."In short, it look pkes our economy is in need of additional help, " said the committee's chairman, Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn.参议院金融委员会主席、康涅狄格州参议员克里斯托德(ChrisDodd)称,“简而言之,目前看来我们的经济需要额外帮助。”

4.No sense fretting about taking down the 5-foot Christmas tree buried in a snowdrift on her deck in Brookfield, Conn.当她从位于康涅狄格州布鲁克菲尔德的自家平台上拆下埋在雪里的5英尺高圣诞树时也不用烦恼了。

5."Beginning to get you down? " Conn asked with a smile.“听得酸溜溜了,是不是?”康恩笑眯眯地问道。

6.'Change is always hard and this is a time when both nature and our pves are changing, ' says Betsy Stone, a psychologist in Stamford, Conn.“改变总是很难,更何况在这个时节,自然界和我们的生活都在变化,”康涅狄格州斯坦福德市(Stamford)的一位心理学家贝齐·斯通(BetsyStone)表示。

7.They grew up in affluence in Greenwich, Conn. , were varsity rowers at Harvard and competed in the Summer Olympics in Beijing in 2008.他们在康涅狄格州一个富裕家庭中长大,两人都是哈佛大学的赛艇运动员并参加过2008年北京夏季奥运会。

8.Under the stringent competition, S-Conn focuses on her core business of RF coaxial connector and its relative.在严峻的竞争下,长贯公司全心投入在高频同轴器相关产业。

9.Mr Conn's wife has a collection of 100 stuffed gorillas, and the couple was thinking of driving to San Angelo to give them to the children.查尔斯•孔恩的夫人找来了100个毛绒猩猩玩具,打算跟她丈夫一块将它们送到圣安吉洛的孩子们手中。

10.This value can be matched with sa_conn_info output to determine the responsible locks in a blocking situation.此值可与sa_conn_info输出进行匹配,以确定导致阻塞情况的锁。