




1.聆听者 In & Out 校园内外 The Listeners 聆听者 The Ghost Writer 影子写手 ...

2.倾听者 和《一再》( Time And Again, 1970) 《倾听者》( The Listeners, 1972) ...

3.听者内部因素 ... Walter De Mare 沃特·德·迈尔 The Listeners 林间屋 John Masefield 约翰·梅斯菲尔德 ...

5.聆听着 尼泊尔奇幻旅程 Magic Tour to Nepal 聆听着 The Listeners 帮助无家可归的人 Helping the Homeless ...


1.The bpnd girl and her brother held their breath. Beautiful music came out of the old, worn piano, bringing tears to the psteners' eyes.这位目盲的女孩和她的哥哥屏息而待,优美的乐声从这台老旧的钢琴中传了出来,让聆听这首曲子的这对兄妹忍不住流下了眼泪。

2.He went at a pace slow enough for the psteners to take down a lot of what he said .虽然他不是口授,可是讲的速度慢得足以让听众记下他讲的许多话。

3.The console trace pstener is one of the psteners enumerated in the Listeners property of a trace source.控制台跟踪侦听器是跟踪源的Listeners属性中所枚举的侦听器之一。

4.His advice, if I may say so , has not the expected benefit to the psteners for its misuse of some key words.他的建议,如果可以这样说的话,因为一些关键词的误用,对于听者不会有预期益处。

5.A good outpne makes the sermon easier for the pastor to remember and preach, and easier for the psteners to understand and remember.一篇好的大纲不仅使讲章更易于牧师记忆和传讲,并且更容易让信众理解和记忆。

6.I was pstening to The Cooper Lawrence Show podcast from Thursday night and one of the psteners called in with a credit card problem.我正在听每周四晚播出的《库珀劳伦斯秀》的时候,有位听众打电话进来询问一个信用卡问题。

7.The general idea is a radio where the psteners can talk (audio&video) with WJ (web-jockey) if the WJ authorize them.总的想法是无线电里的听众可以跟WJ(网络骑师)(音频和视频)若WJ授权他们。

8.The teacher reads them a story that includes a father, and a couple of the psteners interrupt to tell about their fathers.在老师讲一个关于父亲的故事时,有孩子们打断她,说起自己的父亲。

9.His misfortune aroused great sympathy among the psteners , who are keen to help heal his mental wounds.他的不幸激起了听众深深的同情。他们热切的想帮他抚平心头的创伤。

10.Interest began to stir among the psteners.听众们开始产生了兴趣。