




1.格罗皮乌斯设计学院连接起来的方法。除了信封、样本、海报、门票、网站等之外,新的形象还包括格罗比乌斯Gropius)设计的最著 …



1.This rational pursuit of common forms was a poptical response to the war (despite Gropius's insistence that Bauhaus was apoptical).对普通形式的理性追求是对战争的政治性回应(尽管格罗佩斯一直强调包豪斯无关政治)。

2.Most of the traditional European architecture dark room, the sun is small, and Gropius designed the house with larger windows, a balcony.欧洲传统建筑大多室内幽暗,阳光很少,而格罗皮乌斯设计的房屋有较大的窗户,有阳台。

3.But history has not been kind to the Utopian schemes of Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier and other great architects.但是对沃尔特格罗皮乌斯,勒柯布西耶和其他伟大的建筑师来说,历史对他们乌托邦计划并不仁慈。

4.Drafted by the Gropius, "Bauhaus Declaration" is an important document of modern design, the highest of modern design education program.由格罗皮乌斯起草的“包豪斯宣言”是现代设计的重要文献,也是现代设计教育的最高纲领。

5.This part of Gropius's teaching has perhaps been most difficult for many people to understand.格罗皮乌斯在这方面的教学理念对很多人来说也许是最难理解的。

6.From 1908 - 1911 he, pke Le Corbusier and Gropius worked in the architectural offices of Peter Behrens.从1908-1911的他,像柯布西耶和格罗皮乌斯在建筑事务所贝伦斯。

7.It was built in 1925-1926, the school design for the Bauhaus, Gropius is a masterpiece.它建于1925—1926年,为包豪斯学校设计,是格罗皮乌斯的代表作。

8.Gropius, the school's founding director from 1919 to 1927, wanted a new educational model, even a new understanding of art.格罗佩斯作为学校1919年-1927年的首任校长,希望能引进新的教育模式,甚至是新的艺术信念。

9.Gropius'Design Thought and its Practical Significance格罗佩斯的设计思想及其现实意义

10.Close to Art or Close to Machine-About the Thoughts Conversion of Walter Gropius靠近艺术还是靠近机械——格罗庇乌斯的思想转变