




1.激情黑寡妇 惊唇劫 Kiss the Girls 激情黑寡妇 The Locusts 杀戮时刻 A Time to Kill ...

2.蝗虫蝗虫(The locusts) 像只大的蚂蚱,牠们团结互助,分工合群的智慧。蝗虫没有上司指示,本身弱小可怜,是不堪一击,一踏粉 …


1.They were surprised to see not the locusts but the seagulls this time.这次他们吃惊地看到的是海鸥,而不是蝗虫。

2.The United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) says the campaign to control the locusts is now entering a critical phase.联合国粮农组织表示,控制蝗虫进一步蔓延的行动现已进入关键阶段。

3.In no time the locusts came down and started eating their crops-the wheat, the vegetables, even the grass, and the leaves on the trees.很快蝗虫就会落下来,然后开始吃他们的庄稼,小麦、蔬菜,甚至草,树上的叶子。

4.When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people.我若使天闭塞不下雨,或使蝗虫吃这地的出产,或使瘟疫流行在我民中。

5.The locusts had already destroyed thousands of hectares of crops and pasture as of April 14, reported AFP.据法新社报道,到四月14日为止,蝗灾已经吞噬掉了数千公顷的作物和牧草。

6.Else, if thou refuse to let my people go, behold, to morrow will I bring the locusts into thy coast.你若不肯容我的百姓去,明天我要使蝗虫进入你的境内。

7.With scabs on his back and hair on his face, they thought he was strange by the locusts he ate.在他的背部,头发间以及脸上都有斑点,他们认为由他吃的蝗虫是奇怪的。

8.They crept quietly across the lawn and into the shadow of the locusts that pned the street.他们蹑手蹑脚地走过草坪,进入街道两旁洋槐树树荫之中。

9.He put forward continuously had prompted the perform specific tasks, the "locusts" as pu set branch secretary of the agency.他提出起用不断隐姓埋名、执行特殊任务的“蚂蚱”担任刘集支部代理书记。

10.In fact, the locusts manage to eat, drink or digest all of the chemicals in and around the house.蝗虫大肆地吃、喝或消化屋子附近所有的化学物质。