




1.房客 山鹰 The Mountain Eagle 房客 The Lodger 伦敦雾的故事 The Story of The London Fog ...

2.寄居人 青苹果 / Green Apple 寄居人 / The Lodger 复仇的女人 / Woman Avengers ...

3.寄宿者 ... 1928年《农夫之妻》( The Farmer's Wife) 1926年《寄宿者》( The Lodger) 1926年《山鹰》( The Mount…

4.寄宿人 ... - 1927 - The Ring - 指环 - 1926 - The Lodger - 寄宿人 - 1925 - The Pleasure Garden - 快乐之园 ...

5.神秘房客 寄给自己的 self-addressed... - The Lodger 房客 无声片;房客;神秘房客; - lodger roomer tenant 房客; ...

6.英文名 剪辑 Film Editing:Ivor Montagu 英文名The Lodger 导演: 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克 Alfred Hitchcock ...

7.英国早期的默片大学时期开始搜寻希治阁的作品,由他英国早期的默片The Lodger)到后期的有声映画(The 39 Steps, The Lady Varnishes)…


1.My friend was being frightened when he knew the fact that the popce had questioned the lodger who was present on the scene.当得知警察盘问过在场房客的时候,我的朋友非常害怕。

2.As the lodger is a student coming for an exam, the hotel charges him only partially, at its discretion.由于入住的是考生,宾馆只是酌收了部分费用。

3.The Constable, the landlord, and a curious neighbor went upstairs to arrest the lodger. After a struggle, the man agreed to unmask.警官、店主和一个好奇的邻居上楼去逮捕他。经过一番搏斗,陌生人同意摘除假面具。

4.In Hitchcock's first movie - "The Lodger" - he tracked a suspected serial killer's movements on a staircase with diabopcal effect.在希区柯克的第一部电影-“的房客”-他跟踪一宗怀疑连环杀手的变动对楼梯与凶残的效果。

5.At least your brother and the lodger went to go see a movie.至少你哥哥和房客去看电影了。

6.In the meantime, Mr. Hall found clothing and bandages scattered about the lodger's room; the stranger had disappeared.这期间,霍尔先生发现这个房客屋里的衣服和绷带丢得到处都是,而陌生人却不见了。

7.He could only repeat the evidence you have already heard from the surgeon, the landlord, the lodger , and the law stationer.你们已经听取了外科医生、房东、房客和法律文具店老板的口供了,而他所能提供的情况也只有那些。