




1.央视动物世界片尾曲.央视动物世界片头曲(Just Blue) 06.央视动物世界片尾曲(we stay) 07.央视对话主题曲(One Man's Dream) 08.央视对话插曲- …

2.我们留下 westay: 片尾曲 we stay我们留下... west way: 西方的方式,西边 …


1.We were just preparing to pass the night in the open when an old man came up to us, and insisted that we stay in his house.我们正准备在露天过夜,这时一位老人朝我们走来,坚持要我们住在他的屋子里。

2.She said she had not and, upon hearing what I had found, insisted that we stay in hotel for the night.她说她没有。而且一听到我在楼上的发现,她就坚持今晚要去住酒店。

3.So wherever we pve, however we set the time, and whenever we rise, we stay awake during at least a thousand hours of darkness a year.所以无论我们住在哪里,无论我们怎么调整时间,无论我们何时起床,每年我们醒着的时间里至少有1000个小时天是黑的。

4.We have rules about how much we do in one night, how late we stay up and so on.我们对一晚吸毒的量的多少和时间等等有规定。

5.Some will be difficult but most will be very good if, as I said to President Jiang, we stay on the right side of history.虽然会有一些困难,但正如我对江主席说的那样,只要我们顺应历史,总体上应该是好的。

6.And for the last 10 years, we stay at home, sit by the front door and bark at people!最后的10年,我们终日呆在家里,坐在门口,不住地对别人唠叨。

7.Such is pfe, who would not be who stays, we stay time, but will occasionally remember past some things, it is called memories!人生就是这样,谁都不会为谁停留的,我们留不住时间,只是还会偶尔想起过去的某些事,那就叫做回忆吧!

8.If we stay in the rat-race 24 hours, seven days a week, we are bound to pollute our inner space as well as the outer space.如果我们保持每周七天二十四小时你死我活的竞争状态,我们必然会污染我们的内心世界,也会污染外部空间。

9.pool on the roof is superb. Towels are put out for you. Would we stay again - absolutely without a doubt.屋顶的游泳池真的太好了。那里有为你摆放好的毛巾。如果可以的话,我们一定毫不犹豫的再呆一次。

10.We stay independent and able to disagree, regardless of the popularity of our views or their effect on our fees.我们保持独立,保留异议,不管大众如何看待我们,或者他们对我们收费的意见。