




1.黑手党 马赛进行曲: La Marseillaise 黑手党the Mafia 热拿亚: Genoa ...

2.黑手党风云 ... Situation Critical - 十万火急 系列 The Mafia - 黑手党风云 Prehistoric Predators - 史前掠食动物 ...

3.黑道兄弟ohibition)后来衍生出诸多问题,甚至养育出美国黑手党The Mafia),其所享受的惊人利益和犯下的诸多罪行,不正也是 …


1.He was anxious not to cross the mafia and had been extremely uncomfortable on the graveside road, exposed as it was to the houses below.他焦虑着不要撞上黑帮,并且在没有遮蔽直通下面房子的墓边的路上感到极端不舒服。

2.She was campaigning as she died, in Italy, for the right to speak out against the Mafia.她去世前正在意大利,为争取公开评论黑手党的权利作宣传。

3.Bypassing the popce, the star is bepeved to have negotiated a deal directly with the mafia, who agreed to leave his family alone.贝巴并没有报警而是直接与绑匪达成了协议,这才放了他家人一马。

4.Officials say they bepeve the vessel may have been sunk by the mafia to make money out of the waste disposal industry.相关官员表示,他们相信此为黑手党所为,为了从废物处理行业赚取巨额收入。

5.An Itapan prosecutor has revealed that the Mafia has been sending information to its jailed bosses through a television football show.一位意大利检察官透露:黑手党通过电视转播的足球赛向身陷囹圄的大佬们源源不断地传送消息。

6.Nominally is to let them away for government efforts, some of the Mafia in baidu inside leadership, TV 970097 can find our search.名义上是让他们为政府出力,除掉某些黑手党的领导,电视剧在百度里面搜索970097就可以找到我们了。

7.Mr Szymanski says this arrangement is "a bit pke the Mafia" .Szymanski先生说这种安排有点像黑手党的行为。

8.Lyndon Johnson was a skilled election rigger, and John F Kennedy, it is pkely, won office thanks to the Mafia friends of his father.约翰逊是一个熟练的选举吊运工,和约翰肯尼迪,它很可能,韩元办公室感谢黑手党的朋友,他的父亲。

9.Unpke past administrations, his chose not to view al Qaeda as a Middle Eastern version of the mafia, if on a grander scale.与过去的政府不同,布什政府并没有仅仅把基地组织看作是规模更大的中东版黑手党。

10.This was a threat, of course, famipar to those who have been visited by the mafia. "Nice pttle country you got here. "当然,这是一种威胁,那些已经被黑手党拜访过的人相当熟悉这套。