





3.巽达kuban Perahtt)是印度尼西亚西爪哇地区巽他民族(sunda)的民间故事,讲的是万隆(Bandung)附近著名的覆舟山的来历,有时也 …

6.孙陀为孙陀Sunda)的兄弟尼孙陀(Nisunda)之子。 维羯罗尼婆(Vajranabha):阿修罗之一。


8.巽达人街上转弯处有许多小贩,他们都是东爪哇人、西爪哇的巽达人Sunda)、苏门答腊北部的巴东人(Padang)及其它地方人,在 …


1.The Zetas described roipng seas and occasional tsunami during the sinking of the Sunda Plate, and this seems to be what is happening.齐塔人描述过在巽他板块下沉期间动荡的海水和偶尔的海啸,而这貌似就是正在发生的。

2.As outpned in Issue 211 of this newsletter, they were both part of accordion folding as the Sunda Plate was compressed from the side.正如211期新闻简报中描述的,随着巽他板块从一侧被压缩,上述二者都是手风琴式折叠过程的一部分。

3.One of the most famous eruptions in history, of the volcano Krakatoa, occurred in the Sunda Strait between the two islands.历史上一次最有名的火山喷发——喀拉喀托(Krakatoa)火山爆发,就发生在这两个群岛之间的巽他海峡(SundaStrait)。

4.We have stated that the Sunda Plate will complete its sinking by the time the S American roll is at its peak, but not before.我们声明过巽他板块将在南美滚动达到最高潮的时候完成下沉,而不是在此之前。

5.The "newest" cat species described to science, the Sunda clouded leopard, actually exists in two distinct forms, scientists have confirmed.科学家证实,新发现的猫种-----巽他云豹实际上存在两个不同的品种。

6.The 7 of 10 sinking of the Sunda Plate holding Indonesia may be moving slowly at present, but we get daily reminders that this is occurring.持有印尼巽他板块下沉710可移动缓慢,目前,但我们得到,这是发生的日常提醒。

7.This section of the Sunda fault had been inactive for at least 50 years until a magnitude 8. 4 earthquake in September 2007.这部分的Sunda断层已经至少50年不活动了,直到2007年9月出现了8.4级的地震。

8.The location of the plate boundary is marked by the Sunda Trench, a narrow band of very deep water that parallels the Sumatran coast.巽他海沟,平行于苏门答腊岛的海岸线,水域狭窄,深不可测,是两个板块分界的标志。

9.Per the Zetas, the Sunda Plate operates as an extension of the Eurasian Plate, but the tongue has a distinct border.根据齐塔人的说法,巽他板块可以被当作是亚欧板块的延长,但是舌部地带有一个明显的界线。

10.The sinking of the Sunda Plate, which holds Indonesia, etc. is an example of a bending plate.承载印尼的巽他板块的下沉,等等,是弯曲的板块的例子。