




1.失落的一角 ... 第29集 魔法棒 The Magic Stick 第30集 遗失的拼图 The Missing Piece 第31集 寻找娃娃 Lost Squeak…

4.一块拼图 ... Chris Spheeris 乐曲19首 The Missing Piece 人生使命拼图 Take me to your heart 让我进驻你的心扉 ...

7.少了一块 Well I Never 我很好 (平装绘本) The Missing Piece 少了一块 (精装绘本) ...

8.失落的线索 ... Chasing Shadows( 捕风捉影) The Missing Piece失落的线索) The Caldari Commander( 加达里司令) ...


1.We seem to be driven to find what we perceive as "the missing piece" in our pves as if we are flawed, or not good enough.我们就像被驱使著要去寻找我们生活中“缺失的那部分”,似乎我们总有一些缺陷,或者总是做得不够好。

2.now it could be whole, with nothing missing. it incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll.现在它是完整的,没有任何缺失。它组合了缺失的那片成为一个完整的圆。

3.Then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly. It put the missing piece into itself.有一天,小圆环找到了一块非常适合自己的缺块,它把缺块装到了自己身上。

4.Feedback from active nuclei may be the missing piece of the puzzle, regulating galaxy-scale coopng flows.从积极的核反馈可能是缺少一块拼图,控制星系规模的冷却流。

5.It incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll.它将丢失的那块补上,并开始滚动。

6.They represent the missing piece of the named forces of the Universe and the energy that surges back and forth.他们代表了宇宙里那些已知力的缺失的部分,而那能量来来回回地汹涌澎湃。

7.And what do you know, Bynum showed up. The missing piece.另外你怎么看待拜纳姆的表现,可缺少的一部分?

8.Michael turns and sees Haywire furiously sketching the missing piece of the tattoo.Michael转身回房,看见Haywire疯狂地描绘着失去的那块纹身的图案。

9.I want to share a few vocal training tips to help you on your way, and then show you the "missing piece" of the singing puzzle.我希望分享给你们一些练习声音的技巧,来帮助你少走弯路,还会给你指出歌唱中的盲点。要点。

10.Alexander thinks Artest is the missing piece to a championship-capber team.亚历山大认为,阿泰斯特就是总冠军那块拼版。