




1.蒙娜丽莎的微笑 the Middle Ages 中世纪 the Mona Lisa 蒙娜丽沙 Henry V 《亨丽五世》 ...

3.蒙那丽莎的微笑 ... First National Bank 第一国家银行 the Mona Lisa蒙那莉萨” the Gettysburg Address 盖兹堡演说词 ...


1.The Louvre is another place you have to go. It's an art museum. One of the word's famous paintings, the Mona Lisa, is in the Louvre.卢浮宫是另一个你应该游览的地方,它是一座博物馆,一幅世界上最著名的画,蒙娜丽莎,就在卢浮宫里。

2.He said the Mona Lisa looked "totally different" 500 years ago, when it had a blue sky and the subject's skin had not yellowed.他称,五百年前的蒙娜丽莎和现在“完全不同”,当时画上背景的天空是蓝色的,人物的肤色也没有变黄。

3.We are inviting Durian with photographs, told him to put the Mona Lisa, Ultraman, the Buddhist goddess Guanyin action.我们扯着榴莲一起拍照,叫他摆蒙娜丽莎、咸蛋超人、千手观音的动作。

4.Two years later, a man with a moustache went to an art dealer in Florence in Italy and made a tentative attempt to sell the Mona Lisa.两年后,两年后,一个有胡子的男人找到意大利佛罗伦萨一位艺术品经销商,试探性地想卖掉?蒙娜萨一位艺术品经销商,试探性地想卖掉蒙娜丽莎?。丽莎。

5.One suggested pne for arty types: 'You know the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. I wonder what else she shaves. '对艺术女建议使用这样的搭讪话:你知道吗,蒙娜丽莎没有眉毛,我真想知道她还剃掉了什么。

6.The Mona Lisa turned up after about a year and a half in the shop of an antique dealer in Italy.约一年之后,蒙娜?丽莎出现在意大利的一家古董店里。

7.His invitation has so far not been accepted, so for now the Mona Lisa will no doubt continue to smile enigmatically.他的邀约尚未被接受,蒙娜丽莎就继续保持她或者他神秘的微笑吧。

8.She [the Mona Lisa] looked as if she had just been sick or was about to be.她[蒙达丽莎]看起来好象刚得过病,要不就是快得病了。

9.One of the first easel paintings intended to be framed and hung on a wall, the Mona Lisa fully reapzed the potential of the new oil medium.作为第一幅有意被镶框并挂在墙上的画架图画,蒙娜丽莎完全实现了新油画介质的潜力。

10.If you think the Mona Lisa is stunning, you should look at my masterpiece. In the mirror. " --- God" .「如果你认为蒙罗丽莎的微笑美丽绝伦,那你应看看我的作品,就是镜中的」---神。